Judicialization of Health and Dignity of the Human Person: Access to Experimental Treatments in Private Health Schemes


  • Guilherme Luiz Bilotti Galhote Centro Universitário Central Paulista - UNICEP
  • Cláudia Elisabeth Pozzi Centro Universitário Central Paulista - UNICEP


Human Rights, Right to Health, Dignity of the Human Person, Health Schemes, Experimental Treatments


Current research deals with the impacts of Human Rights on Health Rights and analyzes the contracts of private and enterprise health schemes and refusal of medical treatments when experimental treatments are prescribed. This behavior submits patients who require care to indignity conditions. The condition is relatively common in Brazil and several motives based on the economical and contractual order justify the negative answer to experimental treatments. The latter are bonded to advances in medical and biotechnological research which provoke debates on the violation of fundamental rights in the dignity of health treatment. Current research analyzes Brazilian juridical decisions on these novel conflicts, or rather, identifies the main issues that people with private health schemes face in the courts, taking into consideration private legislation, public policies and contemporary laws.

Author Biographies

Guilherme Luiz Bilotti Galhote, Centro Universitário Central Paulista - UNICEP

Graduando em Direito pelo Centro Universitário Central Paulista – UNICEP, São Carlos, SP; Bolsa de Iniciação Científica CNPq-PIBIC 2013/2014

Cláudia Elisabeth Pozzi, Centro Universitário Central Paulista - UNICEP

Pós-Doutorado pela Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, UNESP; Docente no Centro Universitário Central Paulista – UNICEP, São Carlos, SP



How to Cite

Bilotti Galhote, G. L., & Pozzi, C. E. (2014). Judicialization of Health and Dignity of the Human Person: Access to Experimental Treatments in Private Health Schemes. Iniciação Científica Cesumar, 16(1). Retrieved from https://periodicos.unicesumar.edu.br/index.php/iccesumar/article/view/3413



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