E-business: negócios eletrônicos, estratégia empresarial

  • Fabrício Ricardo Lazilha CESUMAR / UFRGS


The e-business (eletronic business), obtained through the intensive application of Technology of information in the traditional market, is considered a reality that bring breat benefits for the organizations that still consider it in its strategirs and manaces larger for the than they use not it. In that new atmosphere, the eletronic trade and fact of having a site in the internet, with its revolutionary and innovative applications, is hd as one of the emergent tendencies with larger power innovation potential in the strategies and in the processes of business in the several economic sections. This work has a objective to characterize the basic concepts related to the e-business, and to demonstrate that the eletronic trade is one of the emergent tendencies with larger power innovation potencial to the point of placing a company in competitive advantage. For so much, it was necessary to consider managerial strategy and the marketing forms, as the direct marketing and the relationship marketing, with relationship to the general aspects and to it forms them of communication, in the case of the direct marketing. Soon after, an introduction to the contemporany company of vehicles, whose positive results obtained with the practice of the e-business, they check that this practice place the companies that make use of this technology, in advantage to those that still the practice the conventional marketing.

Author Biography

Fabrício Ricardo Lazilha, CESUMAR / UFRGS
Especialista em Análise de Sistemas - CESUMAR; Mestrando em Ciência da Computação - UFRGS.
Artigos Originais