


Children with deficiency, Education, Inclusion, School network


The theme on the inclusion process in the educational network has been debated incessantly in the municipality of Três Rios in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Information on experiences through research is forwarded by a bibliographic survey and field research, based on a greater approach with children with mental deficiency and other agents that participate in the inclusion policies. Another aspect to be taken into consideration consists of national data that underscore the growing number of children with mental needs that are being enrolled in school year by year. Current research aims at in-depth knowledge on situation and interference of the social and environmental medium with the teaching-learning process of children with mental deficiency, coupled to diagnosis of deficient children´s situation. The discussion is a contribution to cope with the difficulties of the inclusion process of children with deficiency.

Author Biographies

Ricardo William Guimarães Machado, Faculdade Redentor - UniRedentor

Docente do Curso de Graduação em Serviço Social da Faculdade Redentor (Unidade Paraíba do Sul). Mestre em Serviço Social pela PUC-RIO, Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Brasil.

Elisângela de Freitas Ferreira, Faculdade Redentor - UniRedentor

Graduanda em Serviço Social na Faculdade Redentor (Unidade Paraíba do Sul), Paraíba do Sul (RJ), Brasil.


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How to Cite

Machado, R. W. G. ., & Ferreira, E. de F. . (2020). INCLUSIVE EDUCATION: THE INSERTION OF CHILDREN WITH DEFICIENCY IN THE SCHOOL NETWORK . Iniciação Científica Cesumar, 22(2), 195–206.



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