Anthropogenic pressures in Seasonally Dry Tropical Forest in an area susceptible to desertification in Northeastern Brazil
Caatinga, Deforestation, Use of the soilAbstract
The Caatinga is a seasonally dry tropical forest endemic to Brazil and with high biodiversity. However, a large part of this natural wealth is still unknown and vulnerable to environmental threats, especially the desertification process. In the State of Paraíba, one of the areas most threatened by desertification is the Seridó region. In this sense, this study aimed to analyze the anthropogenic pressures under this biome in the Seridó Occidental microregion, using indicators such as soil cover, suppression of primary and secondary vegetation, as well as the production of firewood and charcoal. The data used were obtained from three different databases (Bdia, Mapbiomas and Sidra), analyzed separately, and later together through principal component analysis (PCA). The results showed considerable differences in terms of land cover between the municipalities in this micro-region, as well as the predominance of areas with agriculture and cattle raising and wooded Steppe Savannah. The presence of vast areas with pasture and with agricultural-pasture mosaics was observed. A temporal reduction in the suppression of primary vegetation and an increase in the suppression of secondary vegetation were also observed. The highest firewood extraction and charcoal production values were observed at the beginning of the sampling period. The PCA highlighted the significant associations between the suppression of primary vegetation with the production of firewood and charcoal and the presence of mosaics pasture-agriculture. The suppression of secondary.References
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