Relationship between the hydrological regime and the land use and cover of the Rio das Mortes Basin
Mann-Kendall test, Streamflow characterization, Rainfall characterization, Classification of satellite images.Abstract
Interactions between land use and cover and a basin hydrological regime are complex and dynamics. The identification of trends and changes in rainfall and flow regimes in a region is relevant in water resources planning and management so that environmental, economic and social adversities are avoided. Thus, this study aims to identify possible trends in the historical series of rainfall and fluviometric stations in Rio das Mortes basin, Minas Gerais, Brazil, as well as to relate the modifications in the flow rate behaviour due to changes in land use and cover in the basin between the years of 1985 and 2017. For that, hydrological data were used from the Ibituruna-MG river station and 12 rainfall stations and orbital images from Landsat-5 and Sentinel satellites. Flow rate and precipitation behavior were performed using the nonparametric Mann-Kendall test and the Pettitt’s test, while the land use and cover classification was performed in an eCognition Developer® 64 environment. Significant trends were observed in the average of total annual rainfall series and decreasing trends in the average of monthly flow rate series of lowest runoff over the years 1925 to 2014. There were changes in land use and cover in the studied region, however, these were not significant enough to modify the hydrological regime of Rio das Mortes basin during the analysed period.References
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