Situation of weedy rice resistance to herbicides in Low São Francisco in rice producing areas




Oryza sativa L, imidazolinones, Clearfield


To deal with weed competition in rice farming, management strategies have been developed, such as the Clearfield® rice production system. However, the continuous use of the same mechanism of action to control these pest agents can lead to the development of resistant populations. In this sense, this study aimed to identify the presence of weedy rice resistant to the Clearfield® production system in the Lower São Francisco region. To this end, 7 populations of weedy rice, 5 in production areas with the Clearfield® system and 2 in an area without using this system, together with a resistant rice variety and another not resistant to Clearfield® system herbicides were subjected to tests. application of different dosages of kifix®, using as a basis the recommended commercial dose for the target crop and species (140 g ha-1), being the first trial for all populations at doses of 0, 35, 70, 140 and 280 g ha-1; the second for populations that showed resistance to a dose of 200% (280 g ha-1), at doses of 0; 105; 210; 420 and 840 g ha-1; and the last at doses of 0; 420; 840; 1,680 and 3,360 g ha-1 for populations 7 and 8 that showed resistance to a dose of 600% (840 g ha). The results demonstrated an interaction between rice populations and the applied doses of herbicide in post-emergence. However, although the application resulted in the control of these populations, it was observed that some of them, P3, P4 and P5, were not 100% controlled even with the application of 200% of the recommended dose. Furthermore, in two F1 populations (P7 and P8), the application of Kifix®, even at a dosage 24 times higher than the recommended dose, did not provide total control, indicating the high degree of resistance present. At this juncture, it becomes necessary to develop strategies that aim to delay the evolution of new cases of resistance in the Lower São Francisco region, such as crop and molecule rotation.

Author Biographies

Luis Eugênio Lessa Bulhões, Universidade Federal de Alagoas

Mestrado em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) na Universidade Federal de Alagoas - UFAL, Brasil.

Renan Cantalice de Souza, Universidade Federal de Alagoas - CECA

Doutorado em FITOTECNIA na Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz" - ESALQ/USP, Brasil.

Jorge Luiz Xavier Lins Cunha, Universidade Federal de Alagoas - CECA

Doutorado em Doutorado em Fitotecnia (Conceito capes 5) na Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido - UFERSA, Brasil.

Lucas Alceu Rodrigues de Lima, Universidade Federal de Alagoas - CECA

Mestrado em andamento em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) na Universidade Federal de Alagoas - UFAL, Brasil.

Antônio Barbosa da Silva Júnior, Universidade Federal de Alagoas - CECA

Doutorado em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) na Universidade Federal de Alagoas - UFAL, Brasil.

Leandro Lima Casado dos Santos, Universidade Federal de Alagoas - CECA

Doutorado em andamento em Produção Vegetal na Universidade Federal de Alagoas - UFAL, Brasil.


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How to Cite

Bulhões, L. E. L. ., Souza, R. C. de ., Cunha, J. L. X. L. ., Lima, L. A. R. de ., Silva Júnior, A. B. da ., & Santos, L. L. C. dos . (2024). Situation of weedy rice resistance to herbicides in Low São Francisco in rice producing areas. Revista Em Agronegócio E Meio Ambiente, 17(1), e11439.


