Pyroligneous extract in the treatment of bean seeds macassar
Vigna unguiculata, Organic product, Seed sanitvAbstract
Seed quality is a limiting factor in agricultural production, especially sanity, as they are the most common means of spreading pathogens. To neutralize the harmful effects of different pathogens on seeds, producers use chemical pesticides, which can cause serious risks, both human and environmental. Thus, the objective was to evaluate the potential of the pyroligneous extract on the sanitary and physiological quality of macassar bean seeds. The experiment was carried out in design was completely randomized, with eight treatments, being: six concentrations of the pyroligneous extract (10, 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100%) and two controls, water and the fungicide Captan® (240 g 100 kg-1). The sanitary and physiological tests were carried out in accordance with the rules for seed analysis. The pyroligneous extract, especially at a concentration of 80%, showed antifungal activity, without interfering with the physiological and anatomical quality of the macassar bean seedlings.References
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