Influence of a Biological Fertilizer on Certain Physical and Chemical Traits of Soil in a Rice- Cultivated Area (Oriza sativa)

  • Gabriel Bellini UNICESUMAR - Centro Universitário de Maringá
  • Edison Schmidt Filho UNICESUMAR - Centro Universitário de Maringá
  • Humberto Misdei Moreski UNICESUMAR - Centro Universitário de Maringá
Keywords: Rice, Biofertilizer, Soil Density


High-cost agricultural products have shown the needs for systems that increase productivity and promote improvements in the soil ́s physical and chemical qualities. A biological fertilizer at 0; 50; 100; 150; 300 L ha-1 was employed in a study conducted on the Cesumar Experimental Farm, in Maringá PR Brazil, to test the influence of increasing doses. The biological fertilizer was obtained from liquid compost with the addition of bovine manure, water and the commercial product Microgeo®, and the physical and chemical characteristics of the soil cultivated with rice (Oriza sativa) were determined. A totally randomized design, with four repetitions, was employed. Soil ́s chemical analysis was undertaken for each lot, the physical properties of soil were estimated from non deformed samples after harvest. Data were tested for normality and homogeneity and analyzed by analysis of variance and by Tukey ́s test at 5%. The application of biofertilizers affected the physical and chemical characteristics of the soil. However, further studies are required for thorough proof.

Author Biographies

Gabriel Bellini, UNICESUMAR - Centro Universitário de Maringá
Discente de Agronomia no Centro de Ciências Exatas, Tecnológicas e Agrárias – CETA na UNICESUMAR - Centro Universitário de Maringá; E-mail:
Edison Schmidt Filho, UNICESUMAR - Centro Universitário de Maringá
Doutor Docente e Coordenador do Curso de Agronomia no Centro de Ciências Exatas, Tecnológicas e Agrárias –CETA na UNICESUMAR - Centro Universitário de Maringá; E-mail:
Humberto Misdei Moreski, UNICESUMAR - Centro Universitário de Maringá
Engenheiro Agrônomo; Centro de Ciências Exatas, Tecnológicas e Agrárias – CETA na UNICESUMAR - Centro Universitário de Maringá;