• Aldivan Rodrigues Alves Instituto Federal do Maranhão - IFMA, Campus Caxias
  • Ariosvaldo Nunes de Medeiros CCA-UFPB, Areia, PB, Brasil
  • Albericio Pereira de Andrade CCA-UFPB, Areia, PB, Brasil
  • Rosa Toyoko Shiraishi Frighetto EMBRAPA, Jaguariúna, SP, Brasil.
  • Messias José Santos Silva CCA-UFPB, Areia, PB, Brasil
Keywords: Emission of methane, Small ruminants, Tannin, Nutrient


Climatic changes caused by anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions are the most significant themes at present. Agriculture and livestock have been identified as one of the sources of greenhouse gas emissions. This is especially true for cattle due to their emission of methane (CH4), enterically-derived and from wastes, and to the emission of nitrous oxide (N2O) from pastures and grain production. Methane from ruminants is mainly the product of processes involving microorganisms in the rumen. They use nutrients from ingested food as substrates and produce several compounds as products of metabolism, methane included. The emission of methane is therefore directly related to ruminant animals´ diet. The emission of nitrous oxide is related to animals´ solid and liquid wastes through the transformation of urine-urea into N2O. Feeding methods have to be more efficient and adequate, warranting the rumen´s correct functioning, so that the product of ruminant animals would be more efficient, sustainable and environmentally friendly. The Brazilian caatinga or shrubland has a wide range of trees and shrubs, and, therefore, forage sources with different characteristics from those of the common pastureland. The above is due to nutritional aspects such as compounds derived from secondary metabolism of vegetal species which may be directly perceived in the animal´s performance and methane emission.

Author Biography

Aldivan Rodrigues Alves, Instituto Federal do Maranhão - IFMA, Campus Caxias
Professor de Ensino Básico, Técnico e Tecnológico do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Maranhão - IFMA, Campus Caxias. Graduado e Mestre pela Universidade Fedral da Paraíba - Areia. Doutor pelo Programa de Doutorado Integrado em Zootecnia (PDIZ), UFPB/UFRPE/UFC, atuando em Nutrição de Ruminantes nos seguintes temas: caprinos, ovinos, alimentos e alimentação, análise de alimentos, sistema de produção no semi-árido e avaliação da produção de metano por ruminantes.