Portfolios, Diversification, Linear planningAbstract
Hedge was developed by combining different agricultural and cattle-breeding activities to offer a tool for risk mitigation on the market to the rural producer and clients in general. The tool comprises a table with different portfolios composed of different agricultural and cattle-breeding activities plus their risks and monthly operational return, coupled to the best allocations of financial resources and of rural property area for each activity. Harry Markowitz´s portfolio (1952) was employed through a correlation matrix involving an equation that aims at minimizing risk of a portfolio proposed by the author. Results provide portfolios by combining two, three, four, five and six agricultural and cattle-breeding activities. Portfolio 1, comprising maize and soybean activities, provided the best monthly return (15.70%) for a 2.79% risk, whereas Portfolio 6, comprising tomato and beef cattle provided the lowest risk level (0.35%) when compared to other portfolios for a 3.33% monthly return. The client chooses the best portfolio when he takes into account the risk level he is liable to face.References
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