Atmospheric pollution, Alkaline rainfall, Environmental chemistry.Abstract
Rainfall conductivity and acidity are analyzed at two collection sites in Umuarama PR Brazil. Assay specifically aims at 1) measuring rainfall intensity; 2) analyzing pH and conductivity of samples; 3) co-relating intensity with analyzed chemical parameters; 4) comparing two collection sites; 5) discussing atmospheric pollution at collection sites. Equipments and lab chemical material was required from the Instituto Federal do Paraná (IFPR), campus Umuarama, for the collection and analysis of sampling. Two collection points were defined: a site on the IFPR campus and another downtown, at Praça Miguel Rossafa, for comparison. Rainfall was collected, according to events, in the morning, evening and at night, between April and November, 2016 and 2017, totaling 106 events. Rainfall intensity during the period was calculated. Climate in Umuarama is not characterized by intense pollution since most samples of rainwater at the two sites had conductivity lower than 20µS.cm-1. However, in the IFPR area where the Industrial Area is established, rainfall proved to be acidic in 35% of samples, whereas acidity occurred in 13.5% of samples downtown. Results show that rainfall in the region of Umuarama is predominantly alkaline.References
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