Economic influences of the application of different managements, formulations and doses of Glyphosate on RR soybean
Glycine max, Profitability, Transgenic cropsAbstract
Agricultural practices by farmers in the production system directly affect the economic profitability of crops. The application of glyphosate is one of the most widespread practices on RR soybean crop. However, instead of controlling the problem of weeds in the fields, the practice is sometimes mistakenly employed, damaging the development of RR soybeans, affecting productivity and, consequently, the gross income derived from the culture. So that possible liabilities on RR soybean may be economically quantified, current study analyzes the economic impact caused by the application of glyphosate. Income productivity data of RR soybean with the application of glyphosate were used at different managements, formulations and doses. Experiments were conducted in two distinct regions in the state of Paraná, Brazil, during 2011/2012 and 2012/2013, and rates for a 60-kg soybean sack at an average price of R$ 62.59 (R$ sc-1), between 2011 and 2015, were used to calculate income in Brazilian reais per hectare (R$ ha-1). Results show that profitability of RR soybean crop was reduced when high glyphosate doses were employed, regardless of formulations or managements. Further studies must be undertaken for a more awareness positioning on this technology, with an increase in profitability for soybean producers.References
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