Coffee residue water, Environmental contamination, Electroflotation.Abstract
Coffee Residue Water (CRW) may cause serious environmental impacts if deposited in the environment without any treatment. Electrolithic treatment is a highly promising technique for this procedure. Current analysis evaluates removal rate of pollutants and treatment costs of the technique, based on variables turbidity, total solids and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), coupled to pH and electric conductivity behavior. An electrolithic cell, measuring 8.15 width, 13.8 cm length and 8.9 cm depth, with a volume of 1000 cm3, was employed. Aluminum plates, 0.02054 m², were used for a parallel monopolar configuration. Batch assays were employed with variations in plate distance, current density and intervals in the effluent collection of the reactor between 60 and 1440 sec. for residue water, with and without reuse, respectively. Pollutants had specific removal rates and costs, related to applied current, plate distance, removal efficiency, hydraulic detention time and the concentration of other components.References
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