Carbon footprint associated with the production of cakes
Life Cycle Assessment, Food industry, SustainabilityAbstract
The food we eat also has different climatic impacts, and the food carbon footprint comprises the amount of greenhouse gases that are emitted in the stages of cultivation, processing, packaging and transportation of food products. Thus, choosing one nutrient over another affects not only our health but also the environment. The objective of this study is to calculate the carbon footprint associated with two cake flavors, English pound cake and carrot cake, using the Life Assessment (LCA) methodology. For the production of cakes, the ingredients and consumption of energy (electricity and butane gas for cooking) and water were accounted for, along with packaging and transportation to points-of-sale. The carbon footprint for one English pound cake was 0.91 kg CO2-eq (0,81x10-3 kg CO2-eq/kcal) and for a carrot cake, 1.52 kg CO2-eq (1,42x10-3 kg CO2-eq/kcal). Eggs were responsible for the highest share of the carbon footprint. The substitution of eggs by another ingredient with the same function, both nutritional and structural, can be the subject of future studies.References
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