Economic viabilit y of bran from açai wastes in the meal of light commercial laying hens
Alternative meal, Costs, Euterpe precatoria, ProfitabilityAbstract
The economic viability of açaí waste bran in meals for light commercial laying hens is analyzed. One hundred and eighty 65-week-old Hissex White laying hens were used. They were distributed in a totally randomized design, with six treatments (levels of bran) and five replications of six fowls each. The 105-day assay was divided into five 21-day periods. Data were analyzed by polynomial regression at 5% significance. Differences were detected in accumulated ration intake, feed costs and egg production where the inclusion of up to 10% of açaí waste bran had the best results. Production costs of eggs increased linearly according to inclusion of bran in the rations. Increasing inclusions of bran up to 25% decreased income. Results directly affected gross aggregated value in which a linear reduction of profits was obtained. However, greater profitability was obtained with 10% inclusion. Equilibrium point increased according to increase in bran inclusion in the meals. Results show that acai waste bran may be employed as alternative feed in the rations of light commercial laying hens at 10% inclusion level featuring better economic viability. Significant economic losses may be observed as from 15% inclusions.References
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