Natural nickel rates in soils in three regions of Santa Catarina, Brazil
Modal profiles, Original material, Reference rates, Trace elementsAbstract
Tracer elements, such as nickel, occur naturally in nature and their rates are highly variable, co-related with the materials of origin. Ni average abundance on the earth crust is estimated at 20 mg kg-1 and in plants, rates are adequate between 0.06 and 2 mg kg-1. However, anthropic impact on the environment through industrial processes and agricultural practices has changed rates in soils and high toxic levels for plants and animals. Current analysis evaluates the natural Ni rates in soil of three regions in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil, and monitor its prevention rates. Ni rates in three regions of the state without any anthropic activity and at 0 – 20 cm levels were collected. Samples were digested and Ni rates were quantified by atomic absorption. The soils of the state of Santa Catarina has the highest Ni rates, with a mean rate of 17.94 mg kg-1. There was no difference between the profiles of each region under analysis. Ni rates had a positive co-relationship with organic carbon rates, base sums and capacity of cation exchange, but without any co-relationship with clay rates. There are differences in Ni rates between each region and studies on quantification on a region basis for in-depth studies.References
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