Use of biofertilizers and salt waters in the formation of seedlings of yellow passion fruits
Passiflora edulis f., Flavicarpa Deg, Electrical conductivity, Organic input, SanilityAbstract
The objective this study was to evaluate the effects of salinity of irrigation water on the formation of yellow passion fruit seedlings with the use of common and enriched bovine biofertilizers, respectively. In this sense, an experiment was carried in greenhouse conditions, in locality of Center for Agrarian Sciences and Biodiversity (CCAB/UFCA), county of Crato (CE), in period from october/2018 to march/2019. The substrate was an material of the first 20 cm of a Latosolo Yellow Red. The experimental design was completely randomized in a factorial scheme 5 × 2 × 2, with three replications, referring to the electrical conductivity values of the irrigation water: 0.5; 1.0; 2.0; 3.0 and 4.0 dS m-1, in soil without and with common bovine biofertilizer and chemically enriched with milk and gypsum, packed in black polyethylene bags with a maximum capacity of 5.0 kg, totaling 60 treatments. The variables studied were: soil electrical conductivity, plant height, number and area leaf, stem and root diameter. The increase of irrigation water salinity affected negatively the initial behavior of seedlings, but with less intensity in the treatments with rich and common biofertilizer, respectively.References
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