Development of the larval stage of Spodoptera frugiperda (LEPIDOPTERA: NOCTUIDAE) at standardized temperatures
Artificial diet, Pests, Larval instar, ArmywormAbstract
Spodoptera frugiperda, a.k.a. armyworm, is highly relevant worldwide. Mass multiplication is essential for research with the insect. It is necessary to determine duration and number of instars for the standardization of breeding. The number of instars may be affected by such factors as temperature, food quantity and quality. A bio-assay was conducted at four temperatures to obtain information on the relationship between artificial diet and temperature and the duration and number of instars of S. frugiperda. Ten caterpillars from each treatment were retrieved to measure the width of the cephalic capsule. Insect development followed Dyar rule varying between five and seven instars and duration of larval stage between 11 and 19 days.References
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