Analysis of genetic diversity of creole maize races (Zea mays L.) from Northern Mato Grosso State, Brazil
Genetic resources, Germplasm, Tocher, UPGMAAbstract
The present study aimed to characterize ten local varieties of maize, cultivated by rural producers in the municipality of Carlinda (MT) and to estimate genetic diversity using 16 morpho-agronomic characters. The experimental design adopted was randomized blocks with three replications. For the morphoagronomic characterization, eight quantitative and eight qualitative descriptors established for Z. mays were used, according to the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (“Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e do Abastecimento - MAPA”). The analysis of variance revealed significant difference between the means of the varieties for most of the evaluated characteristics, being that, the height of the ear, the number of rows of grains and the average diameter of the ear were the ones that most contributed to the genetic divergence. The UPGMA and Tocher grouping methods separated the varieties into two groups since the greatest dissimilarity was found between the CA1 and CA7 varieties. It was possible to verify that there was a significant discrimination between the varieties and that these can be part of germplasm banks and integrate local improvement programs, as possible sources of favorable alleles and adapted to the northern region of Mato Grosso, not only serving the interests of the small ones producers in the region but also aiming at maintaining the genetic resources of the species.References
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