Damage of Pantophthalmus pictus (WIEDEMANN, 1821) in urban trees of Platanus acerifolia WILLD
Urban trees, Mosca-da-madeira, XylophagesAbstract
Although in city street tree lining, the tree Platanus acerifolia Willd. (Platanaceae) is attacked by phytophage insects, among which the xylophage Pantophthaulmus pictus (Wiedemann, 1821) (Diptera: Pantophthalmidae), popularly known in Brazil as mosca-da-madeira, may be highlighted, due to the activity of its larvae which drills the tree´s stem. Current study registers and characterizes damages in the stem of the P. acerifolia by P. pictus. Three P. acerifolia used in street lining in towns and planted three meters one from the other, were analyzed. Only two had emergency orifices of P. pictus in the stem. Morphometry and ground distance of lesions were measured by pachymeter and ruler respectively. Mean diameters of P. pictus orifices in trees 1 and 2 were 0.84 and 0.72 cm, respectively. Mean depth of the galleries was 9.22 cm inside tree 1 and 9.57 cm inside tree 2. Mean height between the ground and the orifices in the stem was 180.62 cm in tree 1 and 105.02 cm in tree 2. Orifices were not extant in tree tops. T-test (p < 0.05) was applied and failed to show any statistically significant difference in rates between trees. Tree 1 showed parasitism by bird herb and characterized the tree as seriously damaged by the insect (32 orifices) when compared to tree 2 (6 orifices). Results show that vegetal stress may affect the susceptibility of P. acerifolia to P. pictus.References
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