Keywords: Text and context, Situational context pragmatics


Current paper is a bibliographical study on the idea of context, from the simplest perspectives to in-depth and specific ones. These ideas are understood with other equally important terms used in ethno-biographical research works, such as historical, geographical, social and cultural contexts. Social contexts are indivisible and constantly dialoging with the concept of situational context that acquires different meanings within contextualization in a metalinguistic process without any precedence in language. Several concepts have been studied in depth and contacts with usages in their most objective stance have been established, or rather, the use of the concept within the lexical-semantic situation and in its original and subjective application, or rather, the linguistic and literary situation. Several peripheral concepts to the vocabulary have been listed. They are essential for the understanding of their usage through experience, words and expressions and the analysis of poetical texts by João Cabral, one of the canonical writers in Brazilian literature.

Author Biographies

Roberto Remígio Florêncio, IF Sertão Pernambucano
Doutorando em Educação - UFBA; Mestre em Educação e Cultura - UNEB; Licenciado em Letras (UPE), em Pedagogia (UNEB) e Graduando em Geografia (UNICESUMAR).
Pedro Rodolpho Jungers Abib, UFBA
Pós-doutor em Estudos Lusófonos (Paris-França); Doutor em Ciências Sociais (UNICAMP); Professor e Orientador do Programa de Pós-graduação da Faculdade de Educação da UFBA.


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Artigos Originais