The Right to Privacy and Secrecy from the Juridical Point of View: Inhibitory Tutelage of Personal Rights


  • Ana Catarina Piffer Gonçalves Instituição Toledo de Ensino
  • Andréia Garcia Martin Instituição Toledo de Ensino (ITE-Bauru/SP)


Rights of the person, Privacy, Inhibitory jurisdictional tutelage.


The fundamental rights to privacy and secrecy, written at Art 5 par. X of the Brazilian Constitution, are provided and analyzed. They are rights inherent to the human person and are capable of promoting human dignity. Current essay demonstrates that the whole protection of the above-mentioned rights is foregrounded on Art 5, par. XXXV and triggers access to justice through an inhibitory jurisdictional tutelage. When the latter prevents the occurrence of something illicit, an adequate technical process is provided for the promotion of a real efficaciousness of the rights of the person.

Author Biographies

Ana Catarina Piffer Gonçalves, Instituição Toledo de Ensino

Mestre em Direito Constitucional pela Insituição Toledo de Ensino (ITE-Bauru/SP). . Especialista em Direito Educacional. Sócio-fundadora da Associação ao Bem Comum ao Down de Jaboticabal/SP; E-mail:

Andréia Garcia Martin, Instituição Toledo de Ensino (ITE-Bauru/SP)

Mestre em Direito Constitucional pela Instituição Toledo de Ensino (ITE-Buuru/SP). Advogada. E-mail:



How to Cite

Gonçalves, A. C. P., & Martin, A. G. (2012). The Right to Privacy and Secrecy from the Juridical Point of View: Inhibitory Tutelage of Personal Rights. Revista Jurídica Cesumar - Mestrado, 12(1). Retrieved from


