Substantialism and the Rights of the Person with Deficiency: The Process’s Social Function

  • Dirceu Pereira Siqueira Instituição Toledo de Ensino - ITE/BAURU
  • Fernando de Brito Alves Instituição Toledo de Ensino - ITE/BAURU
Keywords: Minorities, People with deficiency, Efficaciousness of the process, Substantialism.


Every citizen has the right to effectively access the Judiciary. The juridical activity is effective, or rather, its decisions are complied with through the person of the judge and, consequently, they should be effective and able to achieve justice. In the wake of the above, it seems that the people with deficiency lack judicial access to the Judiciary since, due to their deficiency, they may not bear the type of bureaucracy within the context of juridical activity. Consequently, the desired and required impact is not conceded. Further, there are frequent situations in which the legal activity leads towards a legislative symbolism which foregrounds the difficulties experienced by the judge to accomplish jurisdictional tutelage and concede a correct and just decision. In fact, people with deficiency have the right to a just, free and un-impeded process.

Author Biographies

Dirceu Pereira Siqueira, Instituição Toledo de Ensino - ITE/BAURU
Doutorando e mestre em Direito pela ITE/Bauru, Especialista em Direito Civil e Processual Civil pela UNIRP, Professor titular de Direito do Departamento de Direito Público das FIO/Ourinhos. Advogado
Fernando de Brito Alves, Instituição Toledo de Ensino - ITE/BAURU
Doutorando em Direito Constitucional pelo Centro de Pós-Graduação da ITE/Bauru – SP; Mestre em Ciência Jurídica pela Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná - UENP/PR; Especialista em Historiografia: sociedade e cultura; Graduado em Filosofia pela USC/Bauru-SP; Docente Titular nos cursos de graduação em Direito e Filosofia da UENP/PR; Advogado; E-mail: