The Environment and the Conflict Bet Ween Environmental Preservation and Technological Development: A Discussion on Basic Rights

  • Karina Pereira Benhossi Centro Universitário UniCesumar
  • Zulmar Fachin Centro Universitário UniCesumar
Keywords: Environment, Technology, Basic Rights, Sustainable Development


The issues between technological progress and growing concern on environmental degradation are discussed. It is highly relevant to note that these issues are the responsibility of the State and of post-modern society. Society´s economical progress depends on technological development even though its evolution may not occur to the detriment of the environment that assures the life of all living beings. It is actually a highly complex situation which demands a plausible solution in which society may continue its technological progress without forgetting the respect due to the environment and its protection. The theme also involves the horizontal efficiency of basic rights since it comprises the relationships of technology and the environment between private persons. Concern on technological progress and the preservation of the environment should be ripe for a sustainable development to attend to both human needs without jeopardizing basic rights and human dignity which are a must for human survival.

Author Biographies

Karina Pereira Benhossi, Centro Universitário UniCesumar
Mestranda do Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciência Jurídica no Centro Universitário UniCesumar ; Graduada em Direito pela mesma instituição; Advogada. E-mail: karina
Zulmar Fachin, Centro Universitário UniCesumar
Doutor em Direito Constitucional pela Universidade Federal do Paraná – UFPR; Mestre em Direito e Ciência Política pela Universidade Estadual de Londrina – UEL; Docente na Universidade Estadual de Londrina e no Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciência Jurídica no Centro Universitário UniCesumar; Membro da Comissão Nacional de Estudos Constitucionais da OAB; Presidente do Instituto de Direito Constitucional e Cidadania – IDCC. E-mail: