About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The journal Saúde e Pesquisa (2176-9206 On-line) edited by Universidade Cesumar - UniCesumar since 2008, is a quarterly publication that aims to disseminate the production of knowledge in the INTERDISCIPLINARY area with a focus on disease prevention and health promotion and recovery .

The journal accepts original articles, systematic reviews and meta-analyses and case studies. The objective is to support the dissemination of initiatives promoted in health promotion, seeking to contribute to the understanding and management of health challenges that impact society in different spheres of health care. We encourage you to submit your studies to this comprehensive journal to share progress in health-related research.

As of the third quarter of 2013, Saúde e Pesquisa journal expanded its section policy, opening a space to receive articles in the area of Health Promotion. At the beginning of the second semester of 2014, it linked to the Postgraduate Program in Health Promotion Health - Master's and Doctorate at IES UniCesumar, which aims to address the need to address interdisciplinarity around the issues that hinder/impede the improvement of the population's quality of life from a health point of view. The Program has one area of concentration: Health Promotion; and two lines of research: 1) Health promotion and aging; and 2) Education and technologies in health promotion.

We encourage you to submit your research to this comprehensive journal for the purpose of sharing significant advances in the interdisciplinary area of healthcare.

Mission: Revista Saúde e Pesquisa mission is to promote and disseminate scientific and technological knowledge in the area of health.

The author(s) are fully responsible for the content of the texts sent. All content published in Revista Saúde e Pesquisa is under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license.


Quarterly (from 2020)
Format: Electronic
Format: Print discontinued in 2019