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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not under simultaneous evaluation in another journal (submitting an article for evaluation in several journals simultaneously constitutes a serious lack of ethics on the part of the author). Furthermore, the file must not contain any information that identifies the authors.

  • The original file (text of the article) is in Microsoft Word or RTF format (as long as it does not exceed 2MB) and WITHOUT the identification of the authors.

  • All Internet addresses (URLs) in the text (Ex.: http://www.ibict.br) should be instantly available.

  • The text follows the Vancouver Style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Guidelines for Authors, in the Submissions section.

  • Conflicts of interest Open model - Authors must declare the existence or not of a conflict of authorship of the manuscript or any other personal, commercial, political, academic or financial conflict.

  • Illustrations - The number of figures, tables, graphs and charts accepted in the article must be a maximum of 7 (seven) in the set. Tables and charts in editable format, that is, created using Word itself and must not exceed one page.

  • CheckList Open template - Mandatory document at the time of submission. Read and prepare the article according to item 1.9 Check-list as a supplementary document in ITEM 2 - TRANSFER OF THE MANUSCRIPT

  • Letter of approval from the Ethics Committee - In the case of research involving humans or animals, it must be attached after acceptance of the article according to information that will be sent later or can be sent initially during submission. The Project approval number by the Research Ethics Committee must appear in the methods/methodology section of the file for submission. If your article is exempt from this document, disregard.

Author Guidelines


1.1 The Editorial Board would like to insist that authors should seek professional linguistic aid (revisers in Portuguese and translators into English and Spanish) prior to submitting their original text. The latter may contain mistakes or morphological, syntactic, idiomatic and stylistic inadequacies. Authors should never use the first person singular or plural in the text, since scientific discourse must be impersonal, without any value judgment, and always in the third person singular.

Due to the internationalization of the journal Saúde e Pesquisa/Health and Research, publication of the article will be bilingual as from v. 13, n. 2 (2020). The translation of the manuscript is the author´s responsibility

• Original text in Portuguese – translation into English;
• Original text in English – translation into Portuguese;
• Original text in Spanish – translation into English.

1.3 Fees for submission and publication of texts: The journal Saúde e Pesquisa/Health and Research, published by the Centro Universitário de Maringá (UNICESUMAR), does not charge any fees for the evaluation of manuscripts and the publication of articles";

1.4 Prior to submission of manuscripts in English and Spanish, they should be analyzed by authorized revisers and translators in the respective foreign languages, indicated by the journal Saúde e Pesquisa/Health and Research. See Item 6;

1.5 Authors 1: Maximum six authors for the preparation of the article. It should fit in one of the sectors of the journal, as follows;

1.6 Authors 2: As reference publication in the area, the Editorial Board requires than at least one of the authors has a doctoral degree to submit the article.

1.7 Manuscripts are processed if they comply with the Style Sheet; otherwise, they will be returned to the author(s) for corrections and changes;

1.7.1 The author(s) is/are completely responsible for the content of the submitted texts. All content published in Revista Saúde e Pesquisa is licensed by the Creative Commons Atribuição-NãoComercial 4.0 Internacional.

1.8 For accepted articles only – galley proof: After approval, a galley proof will be sent to the author(s) for correspondence by e-mail, as indicated. The author(s) will return message within 48 h to the Núcleo Apoio à Editoração e Pesquisa (NAEP), authorizing its publication. At this stage, no significant changes will be accepted.

1.9 Documents required: Besides the manuscript, authors should send files as supplementary documents in ITEM 2 – TRANSFERENCE OF MANUSCRIPT on submission: Checklist; Approval by the Committee for Ethics in Research (when human beings or animals are concerned); Conflict of Interests.

1.9.1 CheckList Open, authors should use this file for the preparation of the manuscript according to Style Sheet of the journal Saúde e Pesquisa/Health and Research, and should be filled and transferred on submission;

1.9.2 CLetter of Approval by the Committee for Ethics in Research (digitalized and in PDF) should be annexed on submission, with the approval number as described in the Section Methods/Methodology;

1.9.3 Conflict of Interests may occur when authors, revisers or editors have any interests that may affect their judgment on what is published. Conflict of interests may be personal, commercial, political, academic or financial. When authors submit a manuscript, an article or a letter, they are responsible for acknowledging conflicts that may influence the evaluation of their scientific work. The non-declaration of possible conflicts of interest presupposes their absence. See model in your access at Biblioteca da Submissão; after clicking, go to “Ver Biblioteca da Revista”.


• Original articles publish results of original research work and allow the reproduction of results within the conditions given. In the case of original articles, the conventional structure should be maintained: Introduction; Methodology; Results; Discussion; Conclusion. Section Acknowledgements os optional;

• Report on Cases or Techniques: professional experience based on the study of singular cases and/or new techniques;

• Promotion of Health: unpublished works on the theme: Health Promotion.

• Review articles: Review of articles (published after 2016) will be accepted on the Editor-in-Chief´s invitation. Suggestions on the matter in the case of review articles may be made directly to the editor. However, articles should not be submitted without an invitation. They should have a maximum of 4000 words, title, abstract, total 7 figures or tables and 40 citations).


3.1 The journal Saúde e Pesquisa/Health and Research publishes only articles which have not been published or which are not being simultaneously submitted to another journal. Authors should state these conditions on submission. If publication or simultaneous submission to another journal is detected, the article will be dismissed. The simultaneous submission of the same article to several journals is a serious breach of ethics;

3.2 Procedure for final acceptance:

•Step 1: selection of papers according to editorial criteria. The Editorial Board is responsible for this stage;

•Step 2: If Editorial Board deems necessary, article will be sent to peers, with three possibilities:

a) Accepted;
b) Accepted with modifications;
c) Not accepted.

3.3 If approved, the article will be published in the first issue available.

3.4 For publication, the journal does not accept the chronological order in which texts are received, but the criterion of acceptance as described above. The Editorial Board reserves the right to keep the original texts.

3.5 Copyright: Author´s rights for articles published in the journal are guaranteed, with right of the journal on the concession declaration sent by the authors for the first publication. The authors may use the same results in other publications, indicating the journal Saúde e Pesquisa/Health and Research as the original publication. Since it is an open journal, free use of the articles is allowed, especially in educational and scientific publications. Citation of source is mandatory.

The Editorial Board reserves the right to make normative, orthographic and grammatical alterations when necessary, for the maintenance of language register standard and the credibility of the work. The author´s style will be respected. Alterations, correction or suggestions in ideas will be forwarded to authors, when required. Opinions in the article are the author´s sole responsibility.

3.6 Ethics in Research on Human Beings: Authors must comply with ethic precepts on the conduction and report of research with regard to the ethical recommendations in the Declaration of Helsinki Open (1964, modified in 1975, 1983, 1989, 2000 and 2008) of the World Medical Association. In the case of research on human beings in Brazil, authors should observe integrally norms listed in Resolution CNS n. 466, published on 12 December 2012, of the Brazilian Health Council. Open. Ethical procedures in research should be described in the last paragraph of the section “Methodology”, or rather, that free consent of agents has been obtained, coupled to statement that the study was approved by the Committee for Ethics in Research involving Human Beings, with the number of approval or protocol.

3.7 Ethics in Experiments with Animals: Studies involving experiments with animals should comply with Law 11,794, published on 8 October 2008. Norms may be found in Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C., USA), 1996, and Ethical Principles in Animal Experimentation (Brazilian College of Experiments with Animals – COBEA Open. The authors should state in the manuscript the protocol number of the project provided by the Committee for Ethics in the Use of Animals (CEUA) of the National Council for the Control of Animal Experimentation (CONCEA), an organ of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation.

3.8 Clinical Assays: In the case of Clinical Assays, the indication of the Registration Number of the assay in the check list is mandatory, coupled to sending of ITEM 2 – TRANSFERENCE OF MANUSCRIPT on submission. The journal Saúde e Pesquisa/Health and Research accepts any registration that complies with the International Committee of Editors of Medical Journals Open. The complete list of registrations of clinical assays may be found at the following address Open .

3.9 Authorship Criteria: The scientific journal Saúde e Pesquisa/Health and Research follows authorship criteria recommended by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors Open . Consequently, only researchers who actually collaborated in the intellectual contents of the manuscript are considered authors.

The three main criteria by which authors are responsible for the research´s contents are:

1. Conception and planning of activities that triggered the research or interpreted results, or both;
2. Writing of the text or revising successive versions or taking part in the process of revision;
3. Approving the final version.
The authors are responsibility for the theme in the manuscripts submitted to the journal:
Saúde e Pesquisa/Health and Research. Although information is considered original when published, the editor and the Editorial Board may not have any legal responsibility for mistakes or omissions eventually detected.
Besides the above items, the journal Saúde e Pesquisa/Health and Research considers the items below as participation in the writing of the article

1. Conception and design; 2. Technical procedures; 3. Data collection; 4. Statistical analysis; 5. Preparation of the manuscript.

The authors are responsibility for the theme in the manuscripts submitted to the journal Saúde e Pesquisa/Health and Research. Although information is considered original when published, the editor and the Editorial Board may not have any legal responsibility for mistakes or omissions eventually detected. People who do not meet the above criteria may be mentioned under Acknowledgements.


4.1 As from 2018, the journal Saúde e Pesquisa/Health and Research employs the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts submitted to Biomedical Journals, published by the International Committee of Editors of Medical Journals, Vancouver-style, at http://www.icmje.org or see here (Portuguese).

Click here for formatting norms (Annex 1)


The journal Saúde e Pesquisa/Health and Research employs the Uniform requirements for Manuscripts submitted to Biomedical Journals, published by the International Committee of Editors of Medical Journals, Vancouver-style, available at See here (Portuguese) Click here to see General Review on the Vancouver norms with examples. (Annex 2)

References should be numbered consecutively according to the order they were mentioned first in the text, following Vancouver style.

Author(s) should be referenced by surname, with the first letter in capital letters, followed by name(s), shortened and without a full stop.

- When the text has between one and six authors, authors should be quoted, separated by a comma. When more than six authors, all six authors should be quoted followed by "et al".

- Titles of journals should be abbreviated and cited, following Index Medicus: Here.

- For abbreviation of Brazilian and Latin American journals, see: Here Delete full stops, except last one to separate the year.

- In the case of months in English and German, shorten months, beginning by capital letters; in Portuguese, Spanish, French and Italian, in small letters, without full stop, following Vancouver style.

Click here for guidelines for Vancouver Style and examples. (Annex 2)


Matthew Philip Jenkis – Somente Tradução
Especialidade: Área de Saúde
CNPJ: 11.737.331/0001-25
Telefone: (41) 3332-0258 / (41) 9935-9838



Especialidade: Área da Saúde

Site: https://provatis.academy/ 

E-mail: atendimento@provatis.academy

CNPJ: 41.127.199/0001-09

WhatsApp: (84) 98191 5889


EDITAGE – Estados Unidos da América

EDIT MY ENGLISH – Estados Unidos da América

American Journal Experts (AJE)
São Paulo – SP

Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/2253237526673836
E-mail: bonnici@wnet.com.br

Researchers should pay for the translations. They have to forward a Certificate of Translation as a supplementary document when submitting the article to the Editorial Boardo.

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As per the privacy policy adopted by Revista Saúde e Pesquisa, articles are sent to ad hoc evaluators through the Open Journal System (OJS), without author identification, in the same way that the author's identification is not revealed to the evaluators (double blind review).

All information requested for user registration is for the exclusive use of Revista Saúde e Pesquisa and will be used exclusively for the services provided by it for publication, and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.