Symptoms and understandings of women in menopause in a metropolitan area of brazilian northeast: a quanti-qualitative study

Keywords: Hot flashes, Menopause, Sexuality, Women’s health


To evaluate what women feel and how they understand the menopause period in a metropolitan area of the Brazilian Northeast. A mixed study with 417 women aged 40 to 60 years that used a script of socioeconomic, gynecological/obstetrical, morbidity, medication, and sexuality questions, as well as the Female Sexual Function Index and Menopause Rating Scales. Menopause, observed in 56.6% of women with a mean age of 50.4±5.7 years, had severe associated symptoms (shortness of breath, sweat, heat and anxiety); 52.5% had doubts or lack of knowledge about menopause, and 44.6%, reduction in sexual function, which correlated negatively with age (r= -0.208; p<0.001). Sexual dysfunction is almost twice as high in menopausal women as in premenopausal women (OR=1.81; p=0.036). The sexuality of women with sexual issues or dysfunctions due to menopause may be permeated by emotional and psychological inhibitions.

Author Biographies

Maria Hozana Santos Silva, Universidade Tiradentes - UNIT
Post-Graduate Program in Health and Environment, Tiradentes University. Department of Medicine, AGES College, Jacobina, State of Bahia, Brazil.
Maria Lorena Santana Matos, Universidade Tiradentes - UNIT
Nursing course, Tiradentes University, Aracaju, State of Sergipe, Brazil.
Herifrania Tourinho Aragão, Universidade Tiradentes - UNIT
Post-Graduate Program in Health and Environment, Tiradentes University, Aracaju, State of Sergipe, Brazil.
Rubens Riscala Madi, Universidade Tiradentes - UNIT
Post-Graduate Program in Health and Environment, Tiradentes University, Aracaju, State of Sergipe, Brazil.
Marlizete Maldonado Vargas, Universidade Tiradentes - UNIT
Programa de Pós-graduação em Saúde e Ambiente, Universidade Tiradentes, Aracaju (SE), Brasil
Cláudia Moura de Melo, Universidade Tiradentes - UNIT
Post-Graduate Program in Health and Environment, Tiradentes University, Aracaju, State of Sergipe, Brazil.


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