Physical activity, self-care, and quality of life in Type 2 diabetic in the COVID-19 pandemic
Diabetes mellitus, Social isolation, Physical activity, COVID-19Abstract
To evaluate factors associated with the level of physical activity during the COVID-19 pandemic in individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2). Cross-sectional study, involving 211 people with DM2 aged ? 45 years, using Google Forms to collect information: personal data, International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), Self-Care Inventory (SCI-R) and Brazilian version of the PAID Scale (B-PAID). There was a prevalence of DM2 diagnosis over 10 years (42.1%); in general, they were active (55.2%), with high emotional distress (52.6%) and low self-care (71.6%). There was an association between the level of physical activity and perceived health [95% CI OR = 2.421-1.264; p < 0.008) and the level of physical activity and insomnia (OR = 0.410-0.196; (p < 0.018). A higher level of physical activity was associated with positive self-perception of health and insomnia.Downloads
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