Occupational stress and coping among nurses at a Brazilian Army Hospital: a qualitative approach
Occupational Stress, Military Nursing, Psychological Adaptation, Military Hospitals, Military HealthAbstract
This study aimed to understand the occupational stressors perceived by military nurses and their ways of coping. A qualitative research was carried out at a Brazilian Army hospital. Data collection took place from August to October 2019 through an interview by using an electronic recorder. The data were analyzed in a descriptive way, and the hermeneutic-dialectical method was used as a reference based on Betty Neuman's systems theory. Based on the units of signification of the participants' discourses, three categories of analysis were identified: (1) Perceived occupational stressors; (2) Perception of nurses about the repercussions of their work environment in everyday life; and (3) Coping with occupational stressors. The military nurses’ perception of occupational stress showed that this scenario consists of stressors typical of the profession, of what it is like to be a nurse and to be in the military. There may be several responses to coping with perceived stress.Downloads
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