The Use of Mini Implants in the Orthodontic
Mini implants, Microimplants, Orthodontic anchorageAbstract
At the beginning of the XXI century, when it sought a way to meet the need that orthodontist had to hold the absolute anchor in an easy and effective when it was a critical factor for the success of orthodontic treatment. There were the orthodontic mini implants, which currently represent the most significant technological innovation in clinical practice of orthodontists in the last decade. These anchoring devices have demonstrated a high versatility of clinical application, enabling the application of continuous forces, immediate effective for tooth movement, being able to eliminate the unwanted movement of teeth to anchor and use of devices such as traditional anchoring extra traction oral or intra-oral appliances and the necessity of cooperation of the patient. In this context the present study aimed to conduct an extensive review of literature on the use of orthodontic mini implants as an absolute anchor including: local installation, surgical procedures, information, care and hygiene the most frequent complications of their use. Were selected for this review studies published between the years 2001-2008, identified in the databases and electronic Scielo and Bireme and free site Google. The studies selected were organized and analyzed and the data obtained indicated that there is a consensus among the authors surveyed with respect to size, methodological principles of installation and uninstallation of mini implants and the respect of its main indications, contra indications, advantages and disadvantages clinics.Downloads
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How to Cite
Jardim, F. L. (2009). The Use of Mini Implants in the Orthodontic. Saúde E Pesquisa, 2(3). Retrieved from
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