Analysis of the burden of caregivers of older adults with Alzheimer's disease: cross-sectional study

Análise da sobrecarga de cuidadores de idosos com Doença de Alzheimer: estudo transversal




Aging, Home care, Dementia


This cross-sectional study aimed to analyze the level of burden of 126 home caregivers of older adults with Alzheimer's disease, in addition to associating it with sociodemographic, health and professional performance variables. A questionnaire was used to assess the sociodemographic, health and care profile of the older adults, and also the Zarit Overload Inventory. Data collection took place between February and May 2023. Data analysis was performed using Pearson's Chi-square test (p<0.05). We found a higher frequency of intense burden in caregivers who care older adults for more than 12 hours a day (p=0.015), live with older adults (p<0.001), perform informal care (p < 0.001), care for older adults who were diagnosed no more than four years ago (p=0.047) and older adults who have a Chronic Non-Communicable Disease associated with Alzheimer (p=0.006). Caregivers who experience greater burden devote more time to care, live with the patient, and provide comprehensive informal care.


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Author Biography

Izabela Vitória Pereira Marques, Cesumar University

Graduated in Physiotherapy


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How to Cite

Chen Lin, C. ., Pereira Marques, I. V., Apolicena Dantas, A. C. ., Rodrigues Lyra, C., Quadros da Silva, E., Andrade do Nascimento Júnior, J. R., & Vicentini de Oliveira, D. . (2024). Analysis of the burden of caregivers of older adults with Alzheimer’s disease: cross-sectional study: Análise da sobrecarga de cuidadores de idosos com Doença de Alzheimer: estudo transversal. Saúde E Pesquisa, 17(2), e12296.



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