Physical activity and anxiety levels in students of private and public networks school in Recife-PE, Brazil

Atividade física e níveis de ansiedade em escolares da rede privada e pública de Recife-PE-Brasil

Keywords: Adolescents, Anxiety, Exercise


In our society, reduction of usual physical activities, increase in sedentary behavior and anxiety symptoms, especially in adolescents, has negatively impacted health in its different dimensions. This study aimed to analyze the relationship between physical activity and anxiety symptoms in school with ages 11 to 17. Characterized as a cross-sectional study, 25 adolescent students from Recife-PE participated, where an electronic questionnaire was applied containing sociodemographic data, physical activities (GSHS) and anxiety symptoms (DASS-21), with descriptive analysis and correlation Pearson, p<0.05. The results revealed that 80% of students had physical activity levels below those recommended, in relation to anxiety, only 16% were classified at the moderate level. It was concluded that no significant relationship was found between anxiety and physical activity, no high levels of anxiety were observed, but physical inactivity predominated among adolescent students.

Author Biographies

Isabela Miranda Barbosa da Silva, Federal University of Pernambuco
Physical Education Professional, Graduated from the Federal University of Pernambuco, postgraduate in Adapted Physical Education.
Daniela Karina da Silva Ferreira, Federal University of Pernambuco
Graduated in Physical Education from the University of Pernambuco (1997), Specialization in Assessment and Prescription of Exercise Programs from the State University of Londrina (1998), Master's degree in Physical Education from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (2002) and Doctorate in Public Health Aggeu Magalhães Research Center, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (2009). Additional courses in Physical Activity and Public Health. He has experience in physical education, with an emphasis on physical activity and health, mainly on the following topics: health behaviors and quality of life, healthy lifestyle, health promotion programs, and the role of physical education professionals. She is currently Associate Professor IV at the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE) working on the undergraduate course in Physical Education in the Bachelor's and Bachelor's Degree courses (since 2013) and also a temporary teacher in the Postgraduate Program in Physical Education (PPGEF). As notable previous experiences, he worked as a permanent resident in the Postgraduate Program in Physical Education at UFPE (from 2016 to 2020), as an undergraduate at the Federal University of Paraíba (2002-2013) and the Federal University of Sergipe (2002-2002) , in the Multiprofessional Residency in family and community health (NESC/CCS/UFPB) from 2010 to 2012, participated as a collaborator in the Master's Program in Physical Education at UPE/UFPB from 2010 to 2012.


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