A journey of inspiration: Professor Sonia Bertolini's commitment to excellence in the Revista Saúde e Pesquisa

Uma jornada de inspiração: o compromisso da Professora Sonia Bertolini com a excelência na Revista Saúde e Pesquisa





Acknowledgment, Chief Editor, Health and Research


It is with immense appreciation and gratitude that we address the readers of the Saúde e Pesquisa Journal at this unique moment. Since its inception in 2008, our journal has been a vital source of knowledge and inspiration for the academic and professional community in the interdisciplinary field focusing on disease prevention and health promotion and recovery. Today, we celebrate not only the accumulated achievements over these years but also pay tribute to an exceptional figure who has shaped every page with dedication and vision: Prof. Dr. Sonia Maria Marques Gomes Bertolini.

Over the past sixteen years, Dr. Sonia Bertolini has tirelessly served as the Editor-in-Chief of this journal, leading it with passion, diligence, and an unwavering commitment to editorial excellence. Her visionary leadership has not only set the high standards for which the journal is known but has also fostered a culture of innovation, academic rigor, and diversity of perspectives.

Under her guidance, the Saúde e Pesquisa Journal has become a dynamic forum for the exchange of ideas, discoveries, and innovative practices in health, encompassing a wide range of disciplines and topics. Her commitment to academic quality and editorial integrity has helped solidify the journal's reputation as a leading publication in its field.

In addition to her exemplary editorial leadership, Dr. Sonia Bertolini also embodies the core values that the journal seeks to promote: integrity, collaboration, and dedication to advancing knowledge in health. Her tireless dedication to supporting authors, reviewers, and editorial team members demonstrates a deep commitment to the community she serves.

As we bid farewell to Dr. Sonia Bertolini in her role as Editor-in-Chief, we express our deepest gratitude for her dedication and invaluable contributions over the years. Her legacy will endure not only in the pages of this journal but also in the hearts and minds of those who have had the privilege of working alongside her.

As the Saúde e Pesquisa Journal embarks on a new chapter in its history, we are confident that the solid foundations established by Dr. Sonia Bertolini will continue to inspire and guide our path forward. As we welcome new editorial leadership, we remain committed to the highest standards of excellence, ethics, and relevance for our community of readers and contributors.

Finally, we would like to extend our sincerest gratitude to Dr. Sonia Bertolini for her exemplary dedication and wish her every success in her future endeavors. May her journey continue to be marked by remarkable achievements and lasting impact, just as her time at the helm of the Saúde e Pesquisa Journal.


With esteem and recognition,

The editorial team of the Saúde e Pesquisa Journal


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Author Biographies

Leonardo Pestillo de Oliveira, Cesumar University

Degree in Psychology from the State University of Maringá, Master's degree in Physical Education from the State University of Maringá. PhD in Social Psychology from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, with a sandwich period at the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières-Canada. Post-doctorate in Global Health from Duke University-USA. He has experience in the field of Psychology, with an emphasis on Sports Psychology and Health Promotion. He is currently a professor in the stricto sensu Postgraduate Program in Health Promotion and the undergraduate course in Psychology at Universidade Cesumar (UniCesumar). Leader of the Research Group/CNPQ Psychology, Sport and Health - PES. Coordinator of CAPEC (Research Advisory Committee) at UniCesumar. Coordinator of the scientific area of ABEPEEx (Brazilian Association of Studies in Sport and Exercise Psychology). Researcher Scholarship - Research Productivity Modality for Doctorate - PPD - from the Cesumar Institute of Science, Technology and Innovation (ICETI). Member of the Global Emergency Medicine Innovation & Implementation (GEMINI) Research Lab, under the leadership of Dr. Catherine Staton - Duke University. Member of the Area Advisory Committee (CAA-Health Sciences) of the Araucária Foundation to Support the Scientific and Technological Development of the State of Paraná - 2020/2024

Nuno Miguel de Sousa Lunet, Universidade do Porto

Nuno Lunet was born in 1973, in Viseu. He has a degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences (1997), a master's degree in Public Health (2000) and a doctorate in Public Health (2005). He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Institute of Public Health of the University of Porto (since 2007) and professor of Epidemiology at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto (invited assistant professor between 2006 and 2011 and assistant professor since 2011). He is a member of the scientific committee of the doctoral programs in Public Health (since 2007) and in Biomedicine (since 2009), both at the University of Porto. He is part of the scientific committee of the Master's degree in Public Health, University of Porto (since 2007) and is director of the Master's degree in Health Education, University of Porto (since 2009). (Co)supervised four doctoral theses and more than 30 master's theses. He has developed research work, with a special interest in cancer epidemiology and systematic review and meta-analysis techniques, which has resulted in the (co)authorship of more than 150 scientific publications in international journals. He is a member of the editorial board of the journals Arquivos de Medicina (since 2003), Journal of Clinical Pharmacology & Pharmacoepidemiology (since 2009) and World Journal of Methodology (since 2013). He is a member of the scientific committee of the African Journal of Cancer (since 2008) and is a consulting editor of the Revista de Ciências de Saúde (since 2013). He was associate editor of the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health (2008-2011). He is a member of the Ethics Committee for Clinical Research (since 2007) and a member of the National Council for Oncology (since 2013).

Mateus Dias Antunes, São Paulo University

Physiotherapist and Master in Health Promotion, I am currently a PhD student in Rehabilitation Sciences at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo, with a sandwich period at the prestigious University of Salamanca, in Spain. As a Collaborating Researcher at the Physiotherapy and Clinical Research Laboratory (USP) and the Research Group on Health Promotion in Aging (UNICESUMAR), I seek to actively contribute to the advancement of knowledge in these fields. Furthermore, I have worked as a Visiting Researcher at the Neurorehabilitation Research Team (NeuroUsal) at the University of Salamanca since 2022. This international experience has enriched my vision and deepened my research in the field of Physiotherapy. In the editorial field, I play the role of Associate Editor at Revista Trials (London), Deputy Editor at Revista Saúde e Pesquisa and Contributing Editor at Revista Científica do UBM, at the same time as I work as a reviewer for national and international scientific journals. This active participation in the scientific review and publication process reflects my commitment to the dissemination of knowledge and the quality of academic production. Since 2023, I have been a Mentor for Postgraduate students at the USP Faculty of Medicine, contributing to the academic and professional development of future researchers. My experience covers the area of Public Health, with an emphasis on Health Promotion, focusing on topics such as rheumatic diseases, aging, health education and spaces and practices that promote the health of individuals, groups and families. My academic and professional trajectory reflects my commitment to excellence in research, teaching and health promotion, consolidating me as a professional dedicated to advancing scientific knowledge and contributing to improving people's quality of life.





How to Cite

Pestillo de Oliveira, L. ., Miguel de Sousa Lunet, N. ., & Dias Antunes, M. (2024). A journey of inspiration: Professor Sonia Bertolini’s commitment to excellence in the Revista Saúde e Pesquisa: Uma jornada de inspiração: o compromisso da Professora Sonia Bertolini com a excelência na Revista Saúde e Pesquisa. Saúde E Pesquisa, 17(1), e12501. https://doi.org/10.17765/2176-9206.2024v17n1.e12501


