Epidemiological profile of exogenous intoxications notified in the state of Amazonas - Brazil between 2013 and 2022

Perfil epidemiológico das intoxicações exógenas notificadas no estado do Amazonas - Brasil entre 2013 a 2022

Keywords: Epidemiological Profile, Intoxications, Morbidity, Risk to Human Health, Public Health


To evaluate the epidemiological profile of exogenous intoxications reported in the state of Amazonas between 2013 and 2022. This was an epidemiological, cross-sectional, retrospective, and descriptive study using public data made available by the Ministry of Health from 2013 to 2022. The analysis found 9,788 cases of intoxication; 2019 was the year with the highest number of cases. The individuals were predominantly male (61.4%), aged between 20 and 39 (49.4%), and brown (56.8%). Drugs of abuse were the main causes of intoxication, accounting for 3,330 cases (34.0%). Abuse stood out in the circumstances of intoxication (29.0%), with single-acute exposure (46.0%), clinical confirmation (68.7%), and evolution without sequelae (68.7%). The prevalence of intoxication by drugs of abuse, especially in men with low education, indicates the need to more efficiently target public health policies and educational strategies for these groups.

Author Biographies

Ananias Facundes Guimarães, Federal University of Amazonas
Nurse. Master's student. University of the State of Pará in broad association with the Federal University of Amazonas. Manaus (AM), Brazil.
Rodrigo Silva Marcelino, Federal University of Amazonas
Nurse. Master's student. University of the State of Pará in broad association with the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM). Manaus (AM), Brazil.
Liliane Fernandes da Costa Wanderley , Federal University of Amazonas
Nursing student at the Institute of Health and Biotechnology (ISB) at the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM). Coari (AM), Brazil.
Mariana Paula da Silva, Federal University of Amazonas
Master in Nursing from the Postgraduate Program in Nursing at the State University of Pará in broad association with the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM), Manaus (AM), Brazil.
Vanessa de Oliveira Gomes , Federal University of Amazonas
Nurse. Master's student. University of the State of Pará in broad association with the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM). Manaus (AM), Brazil.
Abel Santiago Muri Gama, Federal University of Amazonas
Nurse. Doctor. Adjunct Professor at the Institute of Health and Biotechnology (ISB) at the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM). Coari (AM), Brazil.


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