The influence of contraceptive methods on birth: a study in the central western region of Paraná

A influência dos métodos contraceptivos na natalidade: estudo no centro-oeste do Paraná




Contraception, Health Status Disparities, Family Development Planning, Public Health, Women's Health


A quantitative, cross-sectional study, aimed at exploring the associations between the knowledge about contraceptive methods and the outcomes desired by women who attend the SUS. It was conducted with 54 women from 20 to 63 years old in a specialty outpatient clinic and Basic Health Units. Data analysis used descriptive statistics, dispersion and location measures and association tests (Odds Ratio). The Chi-Square test demonstrated that the use of contraceptives allows planning for children when compared to not using them. The Chi-Square associations showed that the use of contraceptives prevented unplanned children much more and had an impact on the number of births, favoring the prevention of pregnancy, and when two or more contraceptive methods were combined, it resulted in fewer unplanned children, up to zero. Adequate use of contraceptive methods has a strong association with the number of births and made planning for children possible.


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Author Biographies

Luiz André Barroso Garcia, Integrated University Center

Undergraduate in Medicine at the Integrated University Center, Campo Mourão, Weekly monitoring of the modules of Biological Functions, Mechanisms of Aggression and Defense, and Heredity and its Expression. - 2021; Volunteer participant in the research line of evaluation of the antimicrobiological potential of ozone (Integrated / Educere) - 2021. Medical skills monitor 4 - 2022; Volunteer participant in the scientific initiation project - use of ozonated water as a decontaminating agent for food and medical-hospital materials - 2022; Volunteer participation in the Abrace a Rua project - 2022. Class representative in 2021 and 2022.1. ARAUCARIA foundation scholarship holder in the research project: Use of different contraceptive methods and their impact on the birth rate in the municipality of Campo Mourão - PR -2023.

Sandrielle Dayane Souza, Integrated University Center

Student of the 6th period of the medical course at the Integrated University Center of Campo Mourão - PR, Brazil. Class representative since 2019. Vice-President of the Academic League of Family and Community Health of the Integrated (2020-21). Director of the journalistic department of the Willfried Baer Academic Center of Medicine of the Integrated University Center in the 2020-21 Management, current director of marketing and communications in the 2021-22 management. Also director of events for the Local Coordination of Internships and Experiences of the Integrated - CLEV Integrated management 2020-21. With experience as a monitor in tutoring and medical skills.

Gabriela Messias dos Santos, Integrated University Center

Undergraduate in Medicine at the Integrated University Center, Campo Mourão. Medical Skills Monitor 2 - 2023. Volunteer participant in the research project: Use of different contraceptive methods and their impact on the birth rate in the municipality of Campo Mourão - PR -2023 and volunteer participant in the research project: Prevalence of nasal colonization by oxacillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in students and health professionals of the Medicine course - 2024.

Anai Adario Hungaro, Integrated University Center

Nursing from the State University of Maringá (2015) and PhD in Nursing from the State University of Maringá (2020). CNPq scholarship holder in the EXP A modality (Extension in the country 2021 and 2022). Professor in higher education, in the medicine course at the Integrated Educational Center (Tutoring), teaching the following subjects: Introduction to the Study of Medicine; Conception and Formation of the Human Being; Metabolism; Biological Functions; Mechanisms of Aggression and Defense; Heredity and its Expression; Birth, Growth and Development; Perception, Consciousness and Emotion; and Aging Process, and in the subject of medical skills 2. Professor in the Medicine course at the Faculty of Technology of Vale do Ivaí Fatec, teaching the subject Defense Mechanism and Diseases. Experience in Nursing, working mainly as an on-call nurse at the Poison Control Center in the years 2008-2010, 2013-2015, 2016-2019, outpatient care in occupational health, research with vulnerable populations, homeless people, teaching in the Specialization Course in Occupational Safety Engineering at the State University of Maringá (2013-2021) with an emphasis on exogenous and occupational poisoning. Professor of the Undergraduate Nursing course at Santa Maria da Glória (2018) in the subjects of Anatomy, Pathology and Nutrition and Dietetics. Representative of the Internationalization Office of the Integrated Educational Center. Independent translator in English-Portuguese languages ​​and accredited in Brazilian nursing journals and others such as: ReBEn, ReLAE, Cogitare, Ciência Cuidado e Saúde, Rene, SMAD, Paidéia, Reme, Revista Baiana de Enfermagem and Advances in Nursing and Health. Academic of the undergraduate course of Letters (English/Portuguese) at Unicesumar.


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How to Cite

Barroso Garcia, L. A. ., Dayane Souza, S., Messias dos Santos, G., & Adario Hungaro, A. (2024). The influence of contraceptive methods on birth: a study in the central western region of Paraná : A influência dos métodos contraceptivos na natalidade: estudo no centro-oeste do Paraná. Saúde E Pesquisa, 17(4), e12722.



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