Prevalence of self-reported depression in the brazilian population: individual and contextual factors

Prevalência de depressão autorelata na população brasileira: fatores individuais e contextuais




Depression, Health Status Disparities., Socioeconomic Factors, Health Surveys., Multilevel Analysis.


Objective: to analyze the prevalence of self-reported depression in the Brazilian population and its association with individual and contextual characteristics in a multilevel analysis. Methods: Cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach, using data from the National Health Survey. The outcome was developed based on the question: Has a doctor or mental health professional ever diagnosed you with depression?Results: The prevalence of depression in the Brazilian population was 9.9% and is associated with being a woman, aged between 30-59 years, divorced, with higher education), with a per capita income above 3 minimum months, residing in urban areas , self-rated health as fair, bad or very bad, who have another chronic illness, smokers, and with TV screen time equal to or greater than 3 hours. ‘Human Development Index (HDI)’ and ‘primary care coverage’ were associated with stage. Conclusion: Our results point to the emergency nature of policy planning.


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Author Biographies

Cáthia Alessandra Varela Ataide, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte

She has a degree in Nursing from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (2015) and a degree in Social Work from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (2004). She has experience in the area of ​​Social Work, with an emphasis on Social Work in health, assistance and Housing. Specialist in Public Health from CBPEX João Pessoa. Specialist in Primary Care through the Multidisciplinary Residency program in Primary Care at the Multicampi School of Medical Sciences at UFRN; Master in Public Health from FACISA/UFRN. Professor at Anhaguera University, Currais Novos/RN campus.

Héllyda de Souza Bezerra, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte

Nurse graduated from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (2013). Specialist in Occupational Nursing from CFAZ courses (2015), Specialist in Work Management and Health Education from UFRN (2016), Master's degree from the Postgraduate Program in Public Health at UFRN (2017). PhD from the Postgraduate Program in Public Health at UFRN (2021). She was a Substitute Professor of the Nursing Course at UFRN / FACISA from 2014.1 to 2018.2. She was a public servant in the State of Rio Grande do Norte (SESAP) and in the health department of the city of Natal / RN, working as a clinical nurse from 2018 to 2023. She has experience in care in the areas of urgency and emergency, medical clinic and obstetrics. Nurse certified in Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) by the American Heart Association (AHA) in 2021. She is currently a permanent professor of the nursing course at FACISA/UFRN working in the area of ​​semiology and semiotics of nursing and primary care.

Arthur de Almeida Medeiros, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte

He has a degree in Physiotherapy from the Dom Bosco Catholic University (2006), a Master's and PhD in Health and Development of the Central-West Region from the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (2009 and 2017) and a Post-Doctorate in Public Health from the Federal University of Large northern river. He has a postgraduate degree in Hospital Physiotherapy from the Dom Bosco Catholic University (2010) and in Activation of Change Processes in the Training of Health Professionals from FIOCRUZ (2011). He is an adjunct professor of the Physiotherapy Course at the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul and was Coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in Family Health (PPGSF / UFMS). He is the current Editor-in-Chief of the journal Cadernos de Educação, Saúde e Fisioterapia. He is a member of the Brazilian Association of Physiotherapy Education (Abenfisio) and the Brazilian Association of Public Health (Abrasco) where he participates in the Disability and Accessibility GT. He has experience in the area of ​​Public Health, working mainly on the following topics: Epidemiology; Primary Health Care; Evaluation of health policies, programs and actions; Aging; Inequities in health, and Professional training in health. He is currently the General Coordinator of Health for People with Disabilities in the Department of Specialized and Thematic Care of the Secretariat of Specialized Health Care of the Ministry of Health.

Isabelle Ribeiro Barbosa, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte

He is a professor at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. Specialist in Epidemiology, PhD in Public Health from UFRN, with a sandwich internship at the University of Zaragoza (Spain). She is a Research Productivity Fellow II by CNPq. She is a permanent professor at the Postgraduate Program in Public Health at the Center for Health Sciences at UFRN and at the Postgraduate Program in Public Health at the Faculty of Health Sciences at Trairi / UFRN. She has experience in the areas of Public Health with an emphasis on Epidemiology, in the following research themes: Epidemiology of Inequalities in health conditions and access to health services, Health of the black population, Mental health and violence. He worked at the Ministry of Human Rights and Citizenship (MDHC) in Brasília-DF, at the National Secretariat for the Rights of the Elderly, at the General Coordination of Policies on the Rights of the Elderly in Situations of Vulnerability and Multiple Discrimination and served on the National Council of Rights of the Elderly (CNDPI).


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How to Cite

Ataide, C. A. V., Bezerra, H. de S., Medeiros, A. de A. ., & Barbosa, I. R. (2024). Prevalence of self-reported depression in the brazilian population: individual and contextual factors : Prevalência de depressão autorelata na população brasileira: fatores individuais e contextuais . Saúde E Pesquisa, 17(4), e12792.



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