Cynotherapy as an intervention for the health of adults and elderly people: brazilian trends

Cinoterapia como intervenção à saúde de pessoas adultas e idosas: tendências brasileiras




Adult, Aged, Mental health, Animal assisted therapy


Objective: to analyze Brazilian trends regarding kinetherapy as a therapeutic intervention for the health of adults and elderly people. Method: narrative review study, carried out on the theses and dissertations portal of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel and on the Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations. Narrative and descriptive analysis was carried out. Results: there was a predominance of dissertations, with a qualitative approach, produced by the areas of speech therapy and psychology. No homogeneity was identified in the aspects involving dog therapy (dog breed and number, duration and intervals of sessions). The dog acts as a facilitator of interactions and the establishment of emotional bonds. Kinotherapy can provide relief from stress, tension and depressive symptoms. Conclusion: national trends in kinetherapy were identified as a therapeutic intervention to promote and recover the health of adults and elderly people. This is a growing practice in healthcare.


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Author Biographies

Marcos Vinícius Nunes Paludett , Federal University of Santa Maria

Nurse, 24 years old, graduated in Nursing from the Regional Integrated University of Alto Uruguai and Missões (URI), Santiago Campus, from 2017 to 2022. Currently, he is a nurse at the Ivan Goulart Hospital in São Borja-RS and a master's student in Nursing from the Postgraduate Program in Nursing at the Federal University of Santa Maria (PPGENF/UFSM). He was a scholarship holder from the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) in 2023. Active member of the Research Group on Mental Health Care and Training (FORESM).

Patrícia Fonseca Martins , Federal University of Santa Maria

Nursing student at the Regional Integrated University of Alto Uruguai and Missões - URI Santiago Campus. Graduated in Nursing Technician completed in (2013). Currently, she is a founding member with the position of president of the Regional Integrated University of Alto Uruguai and Missões - URI Santiago Campus (Interdisciplinary Academic League of Gerontology - LAIGUS). Member of the Study and Research Group in Health and Nursing (GEPSE) of the Regional Integrated University of Alto Uruguai and Missões - URI Santiago Campus. Practitioner of Access Bars by Acces Consciouness (2020).

Priscila de Melo Zubiaurre , Federal University of Santa Maria

Graduated in Psychology from the Regional Integrated University of Alto Uruguai and Missões/URI Campus de Santiago-RS (2019). Specialist in mental health by the Integrated Multiprofessional Residency Program in Mental Health in the Public Health System of the Federal University of Santa Maria/UFSM (2022). Master in Nursing from the Postgraduate Program in Nursing at UFSM, with the research line mental health care and health training - GPFORESM (2022-2024). Currently, she is a doctoral student in Nursing by the Postgraduate Program in Nursing at UFSM, continuing the research line. She has experience in health psychology, social psychology, clinical and institutional psychology, and in collective health. She worked in the field of public mental health policies, including management and planning, and social assistance.

Micheli Nádia Boneti , Federal University of Santa Maria

Graduated in Dentistry from the Regional Integrated University of Alto Uruguai and Missões (2019). With a full scholarship from PROUNI. Specialist in Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology from FAMEESP (2023). Multiprofessional Residency in Adult Health with Emphasis on Chronic-Degenerative Diseases in the Hospital Management and Care Program - University Hospital of Santa Maria - HUSM / UFSM (2024), Master's student of the Postgraduate Program in Nursing at the Federal University of Santa Maria. Santa Maria, RS, Brazil.

Oclaris Lopes Munhoz, Federal University of Rio Grande

Son of a wire-cutting father and a housewife. Nurse graduated from the Federal University of Santa Maria - UFSM. Currently, Adjunct Professor at the School of Nursing of the Federal University of Rio Grande - EENF FURG (Disciplines of activity: Semiology and Semiotics; Clinical Intercurrences of Adults; Course Conclusion Work) and Permanent Professor of PPGEnf FURG (Disciplines: Quantitative Research in Health; Evidence-Based Health Care). Associate Editor of the Journal Contexto Saúde. Doctorate, Master's and Post-Doctorate in Nursing from the Graduate Program in Nursing - PPGEnf-UFSM (CAPES scholarship holder from March 2017 to June 2018). Specialist in Urgency and Emergency (UNINTER) and in ICU Nursing (Unyleya College). He was a Substitute Professor at UFSM (09/2022-04/2023//10/2018-07/2020), and Professor of the Nursing Technician Course of the Gaucho Education System - SEG, Santa Maria (03/2017-04/2023). He acted as Coordinator of the Nursing Technician and Professional Qualification courses of the Gaucho Education System - SEG, Santa Maria (07/2020 - 07/2022); Nurse at the Emergency Care Unit - UPA24h, Santa Maria, RS (09/2020-02/2022); Preceptor of the Professional Residency Program in Nursing in Urgency and Trauma at the Franciscan University - UFN (01/2021 to 01/2022). Member of the Research Group on Work, Ethics, Health and Patient Safety (GTESSP-UFSM) and the Center for Studies and Research in Nursing and Health (NEPES) at FURG. Work in Patient Safety; Occupational Health; Perioperative Environments; Integrative and Complementary Practices and Evidence-Based Practice (PBE). During her undergraduate studies, she was a scholarship holder of the Tutorial Education Program - PET Nursing (2013 to 2016).

Daiana Foggiato de Siqueira , Federal University of Santa Maria

Nurse from the Franciscan University Center (UNIFRA), now the Franciscan University (UFN). Specialist in Nursing in Psychiatry and Mental Health. PhD in Nursing from the Postgraduate Program in Nursing at the Federal University of Santa Maria (PPGENF/UFSM). She is currently an adjunct professor in the Nursing Department at UFSM, main campus. She is a permanent professor at the PPGENF of UFSM and a Field and Nucleus tutor for the Postgraduate Program in Integrated Multiprofessional Residency in Mental Health in the Public Health System. Associate Editor of the Nursing Journal of UFSM (REUFSM). Ad Hoc reviewer for national and international journals in the area. Full member of the Extension Committee (COMEX) of the Center of Health Sciences. Lead researcher of the Research Group on Mental Health Care and Health Training (FORESM/UFSM). Member and collaborating member of Brazil in the International Network of Nursing Schools for the Prevention of Drug Abuse (REIEEPUID). Outreach activities include mental health care actions in psychosocial care at hospital and secondary levels. Research refers to the production of knowledge and professional practices in mental health and psychoactive substances, studies on psychosocial care and mental health in different health care contexts.


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How to Cite

Vinícius Nunes Paludett , M. ., Fonseca Martins , P. ., de Melo Zubiaurre , P. ., Nádia Boneti , M. ., Lopes Munhoz, O., & Foggiato de Siqueira , D. (2024). Cynotherapy as an intervention for the health of adults and elderly people: brazilian trends : Cinoterapia como intervenção à saúde de pessoas adultas e idosas: tendências brasileiras . Saúde E Pesquisa, 17(4), e12825.



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