Biochemical and Immunological Profile in Rats With Knee Arthrosis and Treated by Isolated Iontoforesis and L-Ascorbic Acid

  • Mauricio Ferraz Arruda Faculdade de Medicina UNESP BOTUCATU
  • Maria Rita Pacheco
  • Lucas Langoni Cassettari Faculdade de Medicina da UNESP BOTUCATU
  • Olga Maria Mascarenhas de Faria Oliveira Universidade Estadual Paulista - Campus Araraquara
Keywords: Iontoforesis, Lesion, Biochemistry, Immunology


Biochemical and immunological parameters are employed to determine the characteristics of a lesion and possible metabolic changes by treatment. Current research presents one manner for the understanding of articular pathology and describes a profile for calcium, alkaline phosphatase, dehydrogenase lactate and interleukin 10 in rats with arthrosis when treated with iontoforesis. A quantitative analysis was undertaken and results showed that there was no statistically significant difference in dosage of calcium ions and alkaline phosphatase in final means. Exception occurred in the alkaline phosphatase dosage in the IFAA group with lower rates than the others. If animals are analyzed one by one, a trend for an increase in calcium index and alkaline phosphatase in Group C+ may be perceived in most of them when compared to C-, IFSF and IFAA groups. High mobilization of the ion is suggested, derived from repair attempts. When a biochemical analysis of the lesion index is taken into account, results from dehydrogenase lactate enzyme activity do not show any significant difference in rates among the groups, in spite of trends in some animals of the IFSF and IFAA groups in reducing the enzyme to the detriment of group C+. Immunological results show a significant difference with regard to IL-10 index. Its production was stimulated by the IFAA group with a higher average when compared to the pathological C+ control group.

Author Biographies

Mauricio Ferraz Arruda, Faculdade de Medicina UNESP BOTUCATU
Doutor pelo Departamento de Biociências e Biotecnologia Aplicadas a Farmácia FCFAR- UNESP, Pós Doutorando pelo Departamento de Cirurgia e Ortopedia da Faculdade de Medicina da UNESP de Botucatu, Docente do Departamento de Ciências da Saúde do IMES Instituto Municipal de Ensino Superior de Catanduva email: zigomaticoah@
Lucas Langoni Cassettari, Faculdade de Medicina da UNESP BOTUCATU
Doutorando do Departamento de Bases da Cirurgia Geral da Faculdade de Medicina da Unesp de Botucatu email:
Olga Maria Mascarenhas de Faria Oliveira, Universidade Estadual Paulista - Campus Araraquara
Docente; Doutora do Departamento de Bioquímica do Instituto de Química de Araraquara IQ- UNESP e do Departamento de Biociências e Biotecnologia Aplicadas a Farmácia FCFAR- UNESP; E-mail:
Artigos Originais