• Karina Daniela da Silva Universidade Paranaense
  • Romir Rodrigues Universidade Paranaense
Keywords: Benzodiazepine, General Physicians, Dependence, Elderly Women


Benzodiazepine (BZD), taken in cases of convulsion, insomnia and anxiety, are prescribed drugs and their dispensation is restricted. Although in the case of the last two cases treatment with these drugs should not exceed four weeks, their use is frequently inadequate and has given much concern to public health authorities. Current analysis evaluates the prolonged use and dependence of BZDs in Paranavaí PR Brazil, describes users and evaluates prescribers with regard to their specialty. Further, 362 notifications on prescription B1 in a dispensing pharmacy were analyzed and the patients´ data, such as age and gender, were retrieved from the digitalized system of the pharmacy for 2012. Females over 55 years old detained most prescriptions and dependence occurred in 43.27% of cases. The general physician was the professional who prescribed BZDs, mostly alprazolam, with 56.45% of prescriptions. Results confirmed abuse in benzodiazepines, especially among the elderly, perhaps due to lack of pharmacological knowledge by prescribers most of whom were general physicians. Programs for continuous medical education are required to make aware health professionals and the population on a more rational use of the drugs.

Author Biographies

Karina Daniela da Silva, Universidade Paranaense
Farmacêutica generalista, egressa da Universidade Paranaense
Romir Rodrigues, Universidade Paranaense
Possui graduação em Farmácia Bioquímica e Industrial pela Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR). Responsável pelo setor de Imunohematologia do Hemonúcleo Regional de Paranavaí (REDE HEMEPAR). É professor adjunto da Universidade Paranaense (UNIPAR). Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas pela Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM), especialista em Ciências Farmacêuticas pela Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR), especialista em Análises Clínicas pelo Centro Universitário Maringá (CESUMAR), Especialista em Gestão de Saúde pela Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM). Coordenador da Especialização em Análises Clínicas da Universidade Paranaense - UNIPAR, unidade Paranavaí. Já atuou como docente nas áreas de farmacologia, farmácia hospitalar, saúde pública e epidemiologia. Atualmente é docente na UNIPAR, unidade Paranavaí, nas disciplinas de parasitologia clínica, hematologia clínica e tecnologia de alimentos.
Artigos Originais