Relationship Between Nanotechnology in Current Medical Practices and its Possible Future Implications

  • Gabriel Henrique Hawthorne Centro Universitário de Maringá - UNICESUMAR
  • Marcelo Picinin Bernuci Centro Universitário de Maringá - UNICESUMAR
Keywords: Nanotechnology, Medicine, Health


The influence of nanotechnology in medical practice has made possible great progress in the diagnosis and treatment of several diseases, with the subsequent increase in life expectancy. However, scanty knowledge on the science and its potentialities brings about an underexploited factor. The use of nanotechnological tools for the improvement of test images, drugs and biosensors seems to be one of the bases of modern medicine. Nanotechnology should transcend its futuristic stigma and be incorporated as part of the process in the evolution of basic and applied science, subsidizing all areas, medicine included. Studies on the understanding of nanotechnology bases and its applicability are instruments for the dissemination of the science, triggering a better positioning for researchers, students and health professionals with regard to future changes in medical practices. Current paper presents information on the scientific bases of nanotechnology by discussing its main applications in medicine. Results will be of use for a better understanding of potentialities in nanotechnology and will contribute towards health promotion.