Active School Transport and Intervening Factors: A Study with Adolescents in Curitiba, Brazil

  • Lucas Menghin Beraldo UTFPR
  • Jhomyr D. Modesto UTFPR
  • Leandra Ulbricht UTFPR
  • Inacio A. Guimarães UTFPR
Keywords: Adolescents, Active Transport, Impairments


The decrease in the practice of physical activities by adolescents has brought in the limelight the use of active transportation as an alternative to raise the level of physical activity. Current analysis investigates AT among adolescents in Curitiba PR Brazil and the main impairments encountered. The sample comprised 119 adolescents of both genders, between 11 and 17 years old, living in the metropolitan region of Curitiba. A questionnaire revealed the main displacement method of adolescents and the opinion of authorities on possible impairments for the adoption of active transport. AT was used by 14.3% of individuals, mainly males (p=0.047) and revealed less displacement time (p>0.001). The main impairments were distance, lack of a companion, topography and safety.

Author Biography

Lucas Menghin Beraldo, UTFPR
Bacharelado em Educação Física pela UTFPR. Mestrando em Engenharia Biomédica pela UTFPR. Pesquisador do Laboratório de Ergonomia da UTFPR. Bolsista de apoio em pesquisa pelo PPSUS.