The Nurse in Home Attendance to the Elderly Patient: Review of the Literature

  • Elizandra Aparecida Klakonski Faculdade Evangélica do Paraná
  • Rosilene Leite de Campos Mendes
  • Priscila Meyenberg Cunha Sade
  • Daiane Siqueira Luccas Faculdade Evangélica do Paraná
Keywords: Elderly People, Nursing, Assistance at the Home


Current research discusses the activity of the nurse in assisting the elderly patient at home. A review of the literature was undertaken and 18 publications were selected, involving three categories: management of the care process; health education for caretakers in the family; the process of the nurse´s work within the context of the health team. Results show the need of the nurse to attend the elderly patient wholly within the home, taking into account health promotion. The activity of the nurse in home attendance is highly relevant to promote a well-succeeded aging period.

Author Biography

Daiane Siqueira Luccas, Faculdade Evangélica do Paraná
Acadêmica de Enfermagem UFPR. Bolsista Iniciação científica UFPR/TN 2007 a 2009. Atualmente bolsista Iniciação científica PIBIC/CNPq. Área: enfermagem - saúde coletiva.