Effects of low-grade laser in wounds caused by common Psoriasis
Psoriasis, Laser therapy, Skin ulcerAbstract
Psoriasis, a chronic skin disease with different kinds of evolution, is characterized by erythemate-squamous lesions and proliferate and inflammatory changes on the skin, occurring at all ages and in males and females alike. The effects of low-grade laser, 660nm, in the elimination and improvement of wounds caused by psoriasis in plates are evaluated by current longitudinal, experimental, qualitative and quantitative analysis. Samples comprised people with psoriasis in plates during climax, with no other treatment. Samples were divided into Control Group (CG), without any treatment, and Treatment Group (TG) with low grade laser treatment (660nm). Results show that, in the case of CG, evaluations evolved from 83.80±11.96 cm² to 82.90±12.01 cm² (p>0.05) and, in the case of TG, evaluations evolved from 74.25±9.61 cm² to 56.25±24.36 cm (p=0.014). Qualitative analysis proved that low grade laser therapy improved the physical aspects of wounds caused by psoriasis and decreased total area involved.Downloads
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