Biomarkers in allergic rhinitis: its importance and diagnostic potential
Biomarkers, Rhinitis, Allergic, Cytokines, Interleukins, EicosanoidsAbstract
Current analysis deals with the new potential biological markers in allergic rhinitis. Scielo and PUBMED databases were researched for articles through descriptors “Allergic rhinitis” and “Biomarkers” or “Cytokines” or “Interleukins” or “Eicosanoids”, in English and Portuguese. The use of new biomarkers for allergic rhinitis is researched since sensitive and specific markers provide a quick diagnosis, assessment of the disease´s stage and estimates of treatment responses. Several invasive and semi-invasive methods for sample collection from the aerial pathways make possible the measurement of a great number of new biomarkers in allergic rhinitis. As potential biomarkers, the analysis of nasal cytokines offers a good diagnose (IL-5 and IL-13), coupled to the disease´s severity (IL-9 and IL-17B). As an isolated evaluation, serum dosage of Clara Cell Protein (CC16) seems to be highly promising since it favors diagnosis with inversely related levels for the disease´s severity. Further, FeNO dosage is an important tool to predict asthma in AR patients.Downloads
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