Non Invasive Electrotherapy in the Process of Bone Repair in Different Periods After Fracture: Experimental Study in Wistar Rats
Eletroestimulação, Fratura, Osteogênese, Electro-stimulation, Fracture, Osteogenesis.Abstract
This research had as objective evaluate the effectiveness of the application of a non-invasive electric current in rats´ tibia osteogenesis, at different periods after broken. Were used 30 Rattus navergicus albinus, Wistar variety, males, distributed, initially, into 2 groups of 15 animals and each group was subdivided into 3 subgroups with 5 animals. A broken on the level of diafisis on the left tibia of every animal was induced on them. The animals of the experimental group, after 3 days, were submitted to the electric-stimulation (galvanic current). The application of the electric current took 20 minutes, extending for 2, 4 and 6 weeks. All the animals were radiographed after the bone injury and at the end of the experiment. At the final of the treatment, the animals were sacrificed and then, the histological treatment had start. The results of the histological and radiological analysis showed that all the animals of the experimental group, no matter the after-breaking period, had showed acceleration in the process of bone consolidation. After 4 weeks since broken, the animals submitted to the electro-stimulation had no signals of injury. Through the histological analysis, at the second week after broken, in the electro-stimulated animals, was possible to identify the spongy bone with bone trabecullas well developed. In the non-treated group, this trabecullas, although found occupying partially the bone fissure, showed an ample intertrabecullar space, filled with fibrocartilaginous tissue. The final results of this research reinforce what is found in the literature, indicating that the use of a non-invasive electric current is efficient on the enhance of the speed on the bone reconstitution.Downloads
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How to Cite
Bertolini, S. M. M. G., Cararo, D. C., Oliveira, P. D. de, & Martins, P. da C. (2008). Non Invasive Electrotherapy in the Process of Bone Repair in Different Periods After Fracture: Experimental Study in Wistar Rats. Saúde E Pesquisa, 1(1), 25–29. Retrieved from
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