Clinical and epidemiological profile of men who have sex with men with HIV/AIDS

Keywords: AIDS, Antiretroviral, Bisexuals, Homosexuals


To identify the clinical and epidemiological profile of Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) living with HIV / AIDS. Cross-sectional study carried out with 67 MSM living with HIV / AIDS. The collection of clinical and sociodemographic data was performed from clinical records of a health service. The age of the participants varied from 18 to 64 years, most of them used ART regularly, had initial and current CD4 + T lymphocytes <500 cells / mm³, initial viral load <100,000 copies / ml and current <50 copies / ml. A statistical difference was observed between patients who did not use ART regularly and those who used it regularly, as those who used it regularly had fewer opportunistic infections (p = 0.046). Patients who had an initial CD4 + T ≥500 cells / mm3 had fewer comorbidities (p = 0.007) and opportunistic infections (p = 0.003). Also, patients who had an initial viral load <100,000 copies / ml had fewer opportunistic infections (p = 0.021). Comorbidities (anemia, cachexia, diarrhea, smoking and depression), co-infections (syphilis, HPV and hepatitis B) and opportunistic infections (oral candidiasis, persistent dermatitis and persistent cough) were prevalent in MSM with HIV. In addition, it was observed that ART has an important protective effect in relation to protection against opportunistic infections.

Author Biographies

Juliana Lemes dos Santos, Universidade de Cruz Alta
Graduation in Biomedicine from the University of Cruz Alta (RS), Brazil.
Janaina Coser, Universidade de Cruz Alta
Doctorate in Cellular and Molecular Biology Applied to Health at the Lutheran University of Brazil. Researcher at the Interdisciplinary Health Research Group (GIPS), Teacher at the University of Cruz Alta (RS), Brazil.
Fátima Rosemari Lemos Schneider, Universidade de Cruz Alta
Student of the Biomedicine course at the University of Cruz Alta (RS), Brazil.
Tatiana Mugnol, Universidade de Cruz Alta
Graduation in Biomedicine from the University of Cruz Alta (RS), Brazil.
Paulo Ricardo Moreira, Universidade de Cruz Alta
Doctorate in Nephrology. Teacher at the Center for Health and Agricultural Sciences at the University of Cruz Alta (RS), Brazil.


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