National College Health Assessment II: propriedades psychometric and concordance attributes of printed and online formats
Health behavior, Universitary students;, Questionnaire, PsychometryAbstract
Current studies (a) identifies and compares the psychometric properties of the Brazilian version of the print and online questionnaire National College Health Assessment II (NCHA IIc); and (b) verifies the concordance capacity between data for the two formats. The two types of formats were filled by 371 higher education students. Psychometric properties were identified by Cronbach alpha coefficient (internal consistency) and confirmatory and multi-group factorial analysis was provided. Concordance between models was measured by concordance percentage, Kappa statistics and intraclass coefficient. Results show that the Brazilian version of NCHA IIc provided quality data similar to tradition print version, with logistic advantages and significant costs. Its application in future studies to analyze health protection and risks of university students in Brazil is recommended.Downloads
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