Exploratory study on the use of Colostrum therapy in a Brazilian Maternity hospital’s Neonatal Unit

Keywords: Colostrum, Preterm newborn, Low birth weight newborn


Exploratory study of colostrum therapy use in very low birth weight newborns in a neonatal unit by the analysis of medical records. The 108 patients under study were predominantly female (56,5%), had a mean weight and gestational age at birth of 1091.9 g (SD=263.7g) and 29 weeks/2 days (SD=2 weeks/6 days), respectively. Colostrum therapy was used for 29.5% of the patients mostly by oral administration (96.4%). The use of colostrum therapy was significantly associated with low gestational age and weight at birth and with neonatal death (p = 0.001, p < 0.001 and p < 0.001). As there was no established protocol to guide colostrum therapy prescription in the neonatal unit, the therapy was apparently chosen to be used for more immature or sicker babies, with a greater morbidity or mortality risk.

Author Biographies

Maria Beatriz Reinert do Nascimento, Universidade da Região de Joinville - UNIVILLE
PhD in Sciences (Pediatrics) - University of São Paulo - USP. Full Professor of Pediatrics, School of Medicine, University of the Region of Joinville - UNIVILLE, Joinville, SC, Brazil.
Maria Luíza Floriano, Universidade da Região de Joinville - UNIVILLE
Medical Student (fifth grade), School of Medicine, University of the Region of Joinville - UNIVILLE, Joinville, SC, Brazil.
Marina Dal Molin Giacomet, Universidade da Região de Joinville - UNIVILLE
Medical Student (fifth grade), School of Medicine, University of the Region of Joinville - UNIVILLE, Joinville, SC, Brazil.
Marina Mendes Duarte, Universidade da Região de Joinville - UNIVILLE
Medical Student (fifth grade), School of Medicine, University of the Region of Joinville - UNIVILLE, Joinville, SC, Brazil.
Marco Antonio Moura Reis, Bambini Pediatras Associados - Joinville, SC
PhD in Sciences (Pathology - Medical Informatics) - University of São Paulo - USP. Pediatrician at Bambini Pediatras Associados, Joinville, SC, Brazil


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