Evaluation of Undergraduates’ Knowledge on Simple Herpes

  • Diego De Bastiani Cesumar
  • Eliane Aparecida Campesatto Mella UFAL


There are two types of simples herpes: Type 1 (HSV-1) and type 2 (HSV-2). Whereas HSV-1 infection generally occurs during childhood and is transmitted through the mouth, HSV-2 is generally transmitted through sexual relations. About 1% of undergraduates are HSV-2 serum positive. The virus remains in a latent state within the sensorial neurons after effective immunity response and control of epithelial infection. Sunlight, patient’s immunity state, stress, bacteria infections or hormone modifications revive the virus. Primary prophylaxis consists of avoidance of direct contact with lesions or infected secretions. Since undergraduates are prone to factors that trigger herpes symptoms, a questionnaire was applied to 368 undergraduates during the first semester of 2007 so that their level of knowledge on simple herpes may be evaluated. Statistical analysis showed that 80.71% of subjects know herpes’s transmission modes and 44.57% its forms of treatment. Further, 24.52% of the interviewed subjects failed to use condoms, one of the efficient prophylactic means to avoid the disease. Most subjects who took medicine against herpes belong to the social and economical high class. In fact, Aciclovir, a highly efficient and price-accessible drug, was taken by 52.04% of sampled subjects. Only 26.08% reported having educational handouts on herpes. The need for better educational material on health problems is urgent.

Author Biographies

Diego De Bastiani, Cesumar
Discente do curso de Farmácia do Centro Universitário de Maringá – CESUMAR; Bolsista do Programa de Bolsas de Iniciação Científica do PROBIC-Cesumar/Fundação Araucária. E-mail: diegobastiani@hotmail.com
Eliane Aparecida Campesatto Mella, UFAL
Docente do curso de Farmácia da Universidade Federal de Alagoas - UFAL E-mail: eliane_mella@hotmail.com.br
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