Prevalence of primary hyperidrosis and its impact on the work of health professionals




Hyperhidrosis, Health personnel, Health impact assessment, Quality of life


To evaluate the prevalence and impact of Primary Hyperhidrosis (PH) on the work activities of health professionals at a public hospital, a reference in Urgency and Emergency. This is a cross-sectional, descriptive, exploratory, quantitative study carried out with health professionals from a public hospital that is a reference in Urgency and Emergency in the state of Sergipe, Brazil. The instruments used were the questionnaire on diagnostic criteria, quality of life and the impact of PH on work activities. The Shapiro-Wilk, Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests were applied. Participants of this study were 658 professionals; the prevalence of PH was 11%. Among the patients with PH, 43% reported having difficulties during work activities. All work activities in the health field were mentioned with limitations in execution by the evaluated professionals, the most mentioned were writing (88%), followed by the use of personal protective equipment (81%). PH had a relevant prevalence in health professionals with significant negative impairment in their quality of life and work.


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Author Biographies

Carla Viviane Freitas de Jesus, Universidade Tiradentes - UNIT

Doctoral Student in Health and Environment at Tiradentes University (UNIT), Aracaju (SE), Brazil

Aline de Carvalho Bastos, Universidade Tiradentes - UNIT

Master in Health and Environment at Tiradentes University (UNIT), Aracaju (SE), Brazil

Yasmim Anayr Costa Ferrari, Universidade Tiradentes - UNIT

Master in Health and Environment at Tiradentes University (UNIT), Aracaju (SE), Brazil

Ana Luiza Rodrigues da Trindade, Universidade Tiradentes - UNIT

Postgraduate student in Cardiology in Nursing at Tiradentes University (UNIT), Aracaju (SE), Brazil.

Edna Santos Dias, Universidade Tiradentes - UNIT

Master in Health and Environment, Tiradentes University (UNIT) Aracaju (SE), Brazil.

Felipe Mendes de Andrade de Carvalho, Universidade Tiradentes - UNIT

Master and Doctoral Student in Health and Environment at Tiradentes University (UNIT), Aracaju (SE), Brazil

Sonia Oliveira Lima, Universidade Tiradentes - UNIT

Full Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Health and Environment, Tiradentes University (UNIT), Aracaju (SE), Brazil.


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How to Cite

Jesus, C. V. F. de, Bastos, A. de C. ., Ferrari, Y. A. C., Trindade, A. L. R. da ., Dias, E. S. ., Carvalho, F. M. de A. de ., & Lima, S. O. . (2021). Prevalence of primary hyperidrosis and its impact on the work of health professionals. Saúde E Pesquisa, 14(4), 755–765.



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